Looking for land in OK or TX

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My husband and I are looking for some small acreage. Maybe a small surveyed piece someone is willing to sell off or perhaps going in with others to buy a bigger piece. We really are drawn to Eastern Oklahoma around Poteua but will consider just about anything. peace, kirsten

-- kirsten huber (antiscian1@aol.com), June 26, 2000


Kirstin, If you are intrested in East Central Okla. you might try the on-line Shopper from Cushing, Okla.(www.showntelltimes.com}. It usually has a lot of adds for both large & small agricultural lands. It will also give you an idea as to land costs. Good Luck

-- Okie-Dokie (www.tommycflinstone@aol.com), July 01, 2000.

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