UK Subscribers : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Are there other subscribers to Countryside out there in the UK. Sue and I have a 5 acre smallholding on the east coast of Suffolk.

-- Colin Cuthbert (, June 24, 2000


Hi colin, I'm not a subscriber but more a forum lurker. I also get the email newsletter. I have seen Sue's posts and thought about getting in touch. We're currently living in Epsom with three boys and two dogs. I suppose we're wannabee smallholders, planning for a time when the boys are off our hands and we can up sticks, maybe to Suffolk - we spend time every summer in Walberswick and hope to end up around there. Where exactly are you? Isn't it strange to be chatting via a forum in the US? I love to read and learn here particularly about goats and ducks - my two loves. Hope to hear more about you. Jackie

-- jackie thompson (, June 25, 2000.

Do either of you subscribe to NFU Countryside or participate on that forum?

-- Hendo (OR) (, June 25, 2000.

Hendo, I visit the NFU web site and lurk on that forum from time to time, but it seems to lack the spontaneity and input of forum like this, apart from a rather bad tempered debate about fox hunting, which seems to have been going for ever. I've seen your name there a couple of times, and at BHM forum, which has got a bit too political for me. Rega

-- jackie thompson (, June 25, 2000.

Hi Colin & Jackie!

I'm not a subcriber, just a bit of a lurker (like Jackie). I lived in Suffolk (Felixstowe) for 13 years and loved every minute of it. I'm originally from N.Y.C., married a Suffolk lass (Sharon) and developed my romance with self sufficiency and dreams of a 5 acre small holding while living in Suffolk (lovely soil!!!). I've been living in Texas now for about 9 years and still dream of owning a small holding in Suffolk when I retire. Any ideas on good areas to realize the dream??? P.S. Have you seen the film "Chicken Run"? Absolutely bril! Paul

-- Paul Palermo (, June 28, 2000.

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