olympus c-3000 vs. c-2020

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hello there:

I am in deep thought about purchasing an Olympus digital camera. Originally, I was deciding whether I wanted the c-3000 or c-3030. Then I thought that with the minor differences, the c-3000 is an excellent purchase for me. Now I am actually considering the c-3000 and the c-2020 and wondering if the differences in the two cameras is worth the $150 difference.

My concerns: 1. Is the 2.1 MP vs the 3.4 MP that much different in print quality. I know that I will be printing mostly 4x6 and 5x7, and the c-2020 is capable of producing exceptional pictures. Occassionally, I may want to print a 8x10. In that case, would I be disapppointed with the c-2020?

2. Is the sound capability worth it? I think that I don't really care for the video capability b/c I can just use a video camera. However, since the video is available with both models, is the sound feature a good thing to have, or just something "cool?"

3. What's the buffer memory for the c-2020. I know that the c-3000 has only 16 MB, which is pretty slower than it's big brother, c-3030, with 32 MB. What about the c-2020?

4. The best price I have found (online or retail) for the c-3000 is $692 from buydig.com and $540 from beststopdigital.com (which I have heard is a bad company, so I quess the next best price would be costco.com for $570 after July 3). Has anyone found better prices for either one of these? I would really appreciate it. I guess if there was a better price for the c-3000, I would buy that. If not, I am not sure if the $150 difference is worth it. Plus, it would only be a $100 difference if I wanted to purchase a USB card reader for the c-2020 (since it's only got serial, vs. USB for c-3000).

5. I think I know the feature differences between the two models, but can someone tell me their experiences with the two cameras? I need to know the bad and the ugly, not really what's good about them (but of course if you have something good to say to persuade me one way or the other, then please do so).

Thank you so much for your help. I hope I can make a decision soon and stop living with the agony of whether I will purchase the right camera for me!!!!!!

Please if you want, you can email me directly at khango@u.washington.edu

-- khang (khango@u.washington.edu), June 22, 2000


I can't offer you first hand advice, but I do know someone who has a 2000z and loves it. Have you looked at the USER reviews at www.dcforum.com ? It's difficult to beat actual reviews from owners, but throw out the worst and the best ones to eliminate the bad apples(maybe I should've said lemons?) and the "It must be great, because I own one..." reviews.

If you want my two cents, as a non Oly owner, I'd say figure out how you'll use it and whether you'll upgrade soon or live with it for another generation or two of advancements? If you need the larger prints (8x10) go with a 3.3MP model for best quality. Stretching 1600 pixels to 10" means 160 PPI on paper. 2048 over 10" offers nearly 205 PPI, a somewhat noticeable improvement.

On the other hand, if you're going to upgrade to whatever the next step over 3.3MP will be when they hit the stores next spring or summer you could probably profit by buying the lower cost 2MP unit now at the discounted price since the 3.3's are out now.

Have you checked prices at mobshop.com? They've had several Oly deals going in past months that made it to the tips page on www.Imaging-Resource.com

If it comes down purely to cost, it's probably worth the extra $100 to get the extra resolution for prints. With 3.3MP you get nearly 300PPI for a 5x7"... Tough to find fault with that.

Good Luck!

-- Gerald M. Payne (gmp@francomm.com), June 23, 2000.

I found the C-3000Z at Camera Sound (www.camerasound.com) for $658.00. That is only $69.00 more that the C-2020Z at Costco. I was going to order th 2020 at Costco today, but for the small difference of $69.00, I am going for the C3000 at camera sound

-- L.D. Wertz (Comp_Time@msn.com), July 08, 2000.

I have Oly 2000, love it. One difference in 2000 series and 3000 is 3000s DONT have pc connection, only Oly dedicated flash terminal, dont know of an adapter, but would be interested, planning to buy 3000 for my worksite. Olys will slave synch (no preflash detected), 3000s have real manual settings, 2000 simulated, 2020s true manual.

-- Wayne Smith (waynsmith@hotmail.com), July 12, 2000.

If you go to www.shopper.com you will find online prices for the Olympus digital cameras, including the c3000 and c2020. Do a search for "olympus". Currently, the lowest listed online prices for the c2020 and c3000 are $549 and $639, respectively. After pouring over digital camera reviews for 2 months, I have decided on the c3000. Besides it's 3.3 megapixel ccd, it comes with many nice features and a decent price tag. However, holding the camera in my hand was what sold me. It's hand grip makes it comfortable and stable in the hand, unlike other comparable 3.3 MP digital cameras, such as the Canon S20 or Toshiba PDR-M70.

-- Mohri Barizo (mbicom@c-cities.com), July 29, 2000.

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