Beseler 45VXL or Omega D5 : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I am thoroughly enjoying my darkroom and feel that I am ready to upgrade my enlarger. I am looking at the Beseler 45VXL and the Omega D5. With either of these enlargers I will be using an Aristo Variable Contrast Light Source. If anyone has experience with both or either of these enlargers I would appreciate your input. I have heard rumors that the Beseler is more difficult to maintain alignment than the Omega. The Beseler is around $400 more than the Omega but I don't know why.

I would be grateful for any comments about both or either.

-- Robert Bedwell (, June 18, 2000


Either one will be fine, you might find more clean Omega's and accesorys on the used market in your area and I strongly suggest buying a nice clean used model. I looked at a lot of Beselors as I liked the motorized lift and would have bought one except for I came upon an good deal on a D5XL, I put a aristo VC head on it with little problem and you can find condensor and dichro heads pretty easy should you go that way. Alignment is a pain on either one, Durst's are eaiser to align but harder to find used and a more money new. If you can secure it to the wall this really helps keeping it solid. Either one in proper working order would work.

-- bill zelinski (, June 19, 2000.

Robert, what is wrong with your Saunders 4550? You seemed liked it?

-- Michael (, June 19, 2000.

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