All I Care About is : LUSENET : Hedgehog Talk : One Thread |
Sometimes, being selfish and taking care of yourself is the best thing for the project and for yourself. How good are you at being selfish when necessary without feeling guilty?
-- Kymm (, June 17, 2000
Remind yourself of the pain and agony of not taking care of yourself. or the total lack of time you have to do X.
-- Melissa (, June 18, 2000.
Well, you just have to remember that there's no such thing as a truly selfless act and that if you don't take care of yourself you're no good to other
-- tracing (, June 18, 2000.
(uh, that would be "others")
-- tracing (, June 18, 2000.
What you say in this entry about shortchanging your own performance by worrying about shit you have no control over was beautifully put, and I would like to hire you to come tell me that at least three times per rehearsal period.Because I am a closet director, and a control freak, and a genius-in- my-own-mind, and that's exactly where I am weakest.
It's strange, because I usually have no problem being utterly selfish.
-- Anne (, June 19, 2000.
I just think of those words of wisdom, sage enough to be emblazoned above every single airplane seat in America:PUT OWN OXYGEN MASK IN PLACE BEFORE ASSISTING OTHERS
-- Kim Rollins (, June 21, 2000.