
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Utah Freezz : One Thread

Does anyone know anything about Matt Johnson? I think he is a great player and was wondering where he is from, where he went to school, etc. Any information that you could post about him would be appreciated. Thanks.

-- Sarah Johansen (johnas@juno.com), June 14, 2000


Matt Johnson used to play for the Lafayette Swampcats. He was player #5. He is a really nice guy. You can find some information at http://www.angelfire.com/la/swampcats/. Another place to go is http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/ak2SwampcatPics/. I hope they can help you. You can email me if you have any questions.

-- Diana Luu (ranma_chan@worldmailer.com), June 15, 2000.

Matt is from Minneapolis, MN, where he lettered in soccer (MVP), hockey, and baseball all four years at South High School, graduating with honors. At the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Matt majored in Political Science and played Defense and Midfield for the Phoenix. Matt was voted MVP of the Phoenix his Senior Year - and he is a great guy. Oh - he also played for the Swmapcats (Lafayette, LA) in 1998 before they folded.

-- Nancy Johnson (njohnmpls@aol.com), June 17, 2000.

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