Snuffley Goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello All, I have a Pregnant LaMancha, 2 years old. She is snuffley this morning and last. She doesn't sound wheezy just all stuffed up. She is eating just fine and drinking. She is even jumping and playing with the others. She is has nasal conjestion. Any ideas, I thought maybe its because she is pregnant. She is due on July 4th. Thanks to you all who help me out when I have trouble. I had another broody bird this morning. That makes 2. She is only sitting on 4 eggs so I slipped in 6 more. Let's see how she does. Karole

-- Karole Schoepf (, June 12, 2000


some people may croak at this but when our goats where all plugged up we would put a capsule of garlic oil down their throats- they weren't milking at the time so we weren't concerned about how it would affect the flavor of the milk you'll have to put it at the back of their tongue and hold their mouth shut till you know it's down. watch the corners of their mouth though, they're real good at sneaking them out I don't believe we ever had to do this more than 2 days, sometimes we even did this twice a day try it, you'll be suprised what it can do!

-- Pat (, June 12, 2000.

i use garlic capsules all the time on all my critters. glad to hear that i'm not the only one. i feel that it helps greatly for just about anything. and also for wounds, i use vitamin e, pop a hole with a needle and squeeze it out on the sore. laura

-- laura cavallari (, June 12, 2000.

With her due soon I would just watch her, you can clean her nose with a wetone, and perhaps use vics or something like that on it, just as you would for a allergy in you. Garlic will not hurt anything. With the stress of kidding comming up, I would make special time to watch her, check her temp before and after kidding, listen to her breathing and check for a parasite load by taking a fecal sample to the vet, a cheap 10$ investment. Snotty nose can be the first sign of pnemonia, nosebots, lungworm or just an allergy caused by dusty hay. Vicki McGaugh

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 12, 2000.

Hey from NM, y'all. We finally got some rain around here and now it's wet, cold, muddy & miserable. I'm fixing it this weekend, but my barn is too drafty and damp now & I noticed my LaMancha doe sniffling and breathing a little heavy, not too interested in feed, either. I thought she was mooning over the buck, but she was also in a bad mood (not like her!). All I had on hand was some homeopathic remedies & I gave her two of the little tablets of Bryonia Alba, 30x... used for serious flu symptoms. That afternoon, she was her old self. I will try the garlic, too! Thanks, debra in nm

-- debra in nm (, October 26, 2000.

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