VCD file : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have some VCDs in DAT format with corrupted data in the file. I am able to copy the DAT file to hard disk with a HEX editor. I would like to find out the header formats of DAT file byte by byte (format of header section, format of data section, format of audio section etc) so that I can use the HEX editor to do minor patch up. I am not able to get this information any where, hope you can assist me.Is it possible to use the header information of a good DAT file and patch it to a corrupted DAT file, assuming only the header is corrupted.
Thank you very much for your help.
-- Pua Kim Siew (, June 07, 2000
have you try VCDgear2.0? This software has the option to repair corrupt mpeg track....
-- lnguyen (, June 09, 2000.
hi dear sir . i am already trying to find it out too. i found that each Dat file has tow section one contain video frames and another audio frames but these frames are interleave and each frame have own header format.
-- mohammad reza azadifar (, March 19, 2001.
try using ECView Software
-- alpha-beta-gamma (, September 06, 2001.
I am trying to find that information on the net too. Also searching for the mp3 file header.And I think I found out some (not official but at least better than nothing). I have a method to clip a vcd. it is like that. I cut it with some thing like axman then I get the first 77660 bytes of the dat file and place it to the beginning. but in your case you say your header is corrupted. then waht about trying a similar file's (may be a movie?) first 77660 bytes. You can be sure of one thing that it will never be easy, and would you inform me if you have found anyting?
-- emirlie (, October 04, 2001.
Actually, i do not know an answer for these questions and i am sorry that i cannot help, but i need some help as well. I recently received a CD with files of a "filename.VCD" and i do not know which program can open it, or whether it is only meant for a VCD / DVD player as it is a movie. There are multiple folders in the CD as well.
-- Josef Stalin (, September 11, 2003.
-- tanweer maniyar (, January 24, 2004.