Post your own Garden Progress Report! : LUSENET : garden project : One Thread |
Hey, since Beth is on haitus (perhaps lounging in her garden?) I thought we could post our own garden updates! Beth really inspired me to plant and be creative in my garden, and it's become a sanity-saver for me.During our unseasonably warm and early spring, I did a lot of gardening, some of which what strenuous enough to be considered landscaping. I now have vegetables coming up---peas, beans, carrots (which, I suppose, are technically "coming down"), and some really feeble lettuce. I've been watering and weeding, and it all looks pretty and food-like. By July I might have enough to sustain myself for at very small meal.
I've also planted a bunch of flowers, but haven't been so diligent with the watering. I'd say about half of those have survived the drought, bad soil, no sun, and critters. Best of all is my "purple perennial jungle" which came back big and untidy after last year's planting.
Anyone else have garden progress to report?
-- Susan (, June 06, 2000
My garden is going absolutely crazy and I'm loving though I wish the Mulch Fairy would hurry up and visit me so I can nourish my babies the natural way.Renee
-- Renee (, June 15, 2000.
I got drenched with sweat this morning, and all I was doing was holding a hose and watering plants. Sheesh.I'm keeping stuff alive. The flowers that I planted that are heat/drought tolerant (rudbeckia, coneflowers, etc.) are blooming and beautiful.
But what I want to report on are my hyacinth beans. Has anyone else grown them before? I didn't find the actual beans, but bought a gallon bucket that had three nice vines already growing in June. Planted it against a bare ugly fence in full sun. Vines twined and grew and snaked in all directions -- I had to keep placing them on each other so they'd grow up and over the fence, and not choke out the smaller plants around them.
And -- they're blooming! Lovely purple blooms. The fence is beautiful.
Anybody else ever grown these before?
-- Pooks (, August 07, 2000.
speaking of gardens, visit:RIYAADH UL JANNAH
-- imme (¿¿¿??, January 21, 2003.