FSU Crew Team?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Florida State University Rowing : One Thread

Does FSU still have a crew team? If so, is it a school team or a club?

-- Pasquale DiPaolis (pasquale547@yahoo.com), June 06, 2000


I just graduated from FSU. There was a club team until spring '99, but it kinda dissolved. You could start it back up, though. . . It might be tough since the boats were repo'd.

-- Shannon Sermons (ssermons@cropserv1.cropsci.ncsu.edu), June 06, 2000.

It also may be tough to start a club since Lake Jackson has been reduced to a small pond. Is there any rowable water in Leon County?

-- Dion Sweat (dion@tfn.net), June 12, 2000.

Are folks still rowing out of Maclay Gardens? I don't know what lake that is, but it probably hasn't dried up. Lake Bradford is small, but probably rowable and you could launch out of the Rez. A little further away are Lake Talquin and Lake Iamonia; they may be suitable.

-- Shannon Sermons (ssermons@cropserv1.cropsci.ncsu.edu), June 12, 2000.

Yes, people are still rowing out of Maclay Gardens(Lake Hall). But at 1500 meters that lake isnt much fun.... But I guess you have to deal with what you have... I have not seen Lake Talquin but I have heard it isn't clear(stumps?). Shannon, since the new boats were repoed, what happened to the persistence, the beach, and the vespoli 8 (i can't remember its name)? Weren't those paid for?

-- Dion Sweat (dion@tfn.net), June 12, 2000.

Hmmm... good question. They may have taken them to make up for the payments that were not made on the Kaschper 4 and 8, and for the damage done to that beautiful new 8 (and the subsequent awful repair). You might be able to get a definitive answer from Matt Specht in the SCC office in Tully Gym.

-- Shannon Sermons (ssermons@cropserv1.cropsci.ncsu.edu), June 13, 2000.

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