Mounting EL Nikkor 63mm in old Omega : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I just got a Nikkor 63mm enlarging lens. This obviously does not mount in the same way the old lenses do in the Omega B-8. What do I need to mount this lens? Is there a mounting ring for the Nikkor lens, or is the lensboard supposed to have threads to accomodate the lens? It's been over 20 years since I've done darkroom work, and I'm totally lost on this one. Thanks for any help.
-- John Kilmer (, June 03, 2000
Does the 63mm have the same thread as the 50mm El-Nikkor. If so all you need is a 39mm Leica threaded mounting flange.If you are having problems finding parts and accessories for your B-8.(btw I have a B-8XL) try Harry Taylor at I got every thing I needed to set up my B-8 from Harry.
-- Robert Orofino (, June 04, 2000.
I don't remember the B-8 scheme, but if it's like the D series, and you're using a flat lens board, the back of the lens sticks out too far to slide the board in place. The lens is typically mounted in a small circular plate with a threaded retaining ring, and this plate is attached to the lens board with two screws after the lens board is in place. You can also use a threaded lens board, but they aren't very common unless you make one. The 63mm has the same Leica thread as most other enlarging lenses, and the standard retaining ring will fit it. If you can describe the B-8 mounting scheme I can give more details.
-- Conrad Hoffman (, June 04, 2000.
There is enough clearance to slide the lensboard in place with the lens mounted. Pull down on the board, enlarger mount is spring loaded, there will be enough clearance.
-- Robert Orofino (, June 04, 2000.
OK, Conrad. I see the small circular plate to which the lens is attached. Right now it has some old Wollensack lens, and the hole and retaining ring are much smaller than would be necessary to mount the Nikkor.
-- John Kilmer (, June 04, 2000.
Hi John, It sounds like the old Wollensak is a 25mm mount or something similar. You can either mod the plate or get a new one from the Omega sources listed in other posts. They are easy to make if you're handy with such things. Masonite is easy to work- hand saw and a hole saw will do it- clean it up with a little sandpaper then spray it with flat black paint. If you know someone with a lathe, cut it from aluminum and have them bore the hole. Note to other poster- the 63mm has a suprisingly long rear element housing. I can see pulling down the lensboard with other lenses, but I doubt the 63mm would clear!
-- Conrad Hoffman (, June 05, 2000.
You are correct Conrad, the 50mm EL Nikkor just makes it.
-- Robert Orofino (, June 05, 2000.