Ice Bowls : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi all, I thought some of you might want to make these, they're so pretty. (Hope I explain this right). Take two bowls that fit inside each other with 1/2 inch or so room. Glass works very well. Set bowl inside the other...Pour water in between bowls.... place clean edible flowers, leaves and herbs in water- mint, borage flowers, petunias, cucumber blossoms, squash blossoms rose petals violets, and more-...take a skewer and push flowers down under smaller bowl and around sides... weight smalller bowl down with ice cubes...use freezer tape to hold in place(I don't do that)...freeze...Take out of freezer a let sit a few minutes...bowls will slip apart. freeze till ready to use. Use these for fresh fruit or ice cream or both. Sit out in a sunflower house and enjoy. You deserve a break, after you enjoy you fruit, lay back and watch the clouds pass.......

-- Cindy (, June 02, 2000


OOPS! I din't mean petunias, I meant pansies.

-- Cindy (, June 02, 2000.

That sounds neat! Thanks for the idea. annette

-- annette (, June 02, 2000.

We're going to try this for our July 4th cookout - thanks for sharing such a nice idea.

-- Anne Tower (, June 07, 2000.

Let me know how it turns out.

-- Cindy (, June 07, 2000.

Delightful idea!!! Love it.

-- Peg (NW WI) (, June 09, 2000.

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