Recording dvd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can you use a cd recorder to record dvds? Are there any cd-r that are more than 74 minutes in length?

-- Robert Cobb, Jr. (, June 01, 2000


You can't record to DVD yet!! Yes there is such cd-r more than 74 min lgenth and that's 80 minutes (700MB)!

-- Uros Strnad (, June 02, 2000.

Yes, you can record to DVD. The reality is more complex, though. There are four competing formats for recordable DVD and of these two are more popular than the rest: DVD-R and DVD-RAM. The catch here is the huge cost for both the drives and the media which, for the moment, make recordable DVD generally out of mainstream reach. No, you can't use a CD-R drive to record onto DVD-R media.

-- EMartinez (, June 03, 2000.

You can use your cd recorder to record DVD's (sort of). If you are making a legal copy. You have to use software to "rip" the contents onto your harddrive, encode it to Mpeg(which takes about 10 hours if you have a fast machine). Make a image of the Mpeg,spilt it if it is too large for one CD-R, then burn it from the image in VCD format. You will need about 7GB of memory to even start. You can download all of the software to do all of these tasks. For a much better detailed desciption on how to do this goto

-- Bruce Galles (, August 20, 2001.

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