parched : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My mother made parched corn when I was growing up. I loved the stuff. I can not remember the kind of corn she used although I remember the technique. Does anyone know?
-- Cheryl Cox (, May 31, 2000
Cheryl, it was probably one of the open-pollinated sweet corns, but may also have been a field corn. You may have to do some experimenting to find the variety that tastes most like what your mother used.
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, May 31, 2000.
What is parched corn?
-- Cindy (, May 31, 2000.
The flavor is similar to corn nuts. Indians carried it along with jerky when traveling I understand. You heat a cast iron skillet, add the corn and some salt and roast the corn until it cooks inside and becomes brown and crisp outside. I remember my mother saying that it took a special kind of dried corn. I just don't remember which kind. If you like the popcorn kernals that begin to pop but don't quite make it, you'll like parched corn.
-- Cheryl Cox (, May 31, 2000.
seeds of change carrys 0ne variety of parch corn, Supai red . there email address is
-- kathy h (, May 31, 2000.