Attractiveness : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Girls, do you find that everyone finds you more attractive when you're looking bummy than when you purposely go out of your way to beautify yourself?

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000


To quote Clueless...

'Ya know, it's funny how I seem to have more fun just vegging out than when I go out. Maybe it's because my party clothes are so binding.'

heh, I changed it around a bit I think.

But anyway. I definitely don't feel attractive either way (ooh, look at me, queen of the low-self-esteem team), but I think the key word is COMFORTABLE.

I definitely feel more comfortable when I'm in my jeans and t-shirt, or in my PJs sitting in front of the computer as I am now.

So yes. I definitely don't feel attractive either way, but I feel much more comfortable.


-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

errr. your email address freaks me out.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

I never feel attractive either (I'm not saying that in a "Wahhhh" sort of way; I'm just telling you straight out). That's why I really don't bother trying to make myself look it... it would take $500,000 in plastic surgery and five hours every morning, for one thing.

So I don't know. When we were at McDonald's Sunday night, this guy Walter called me over (he's nosy as hell, and also a friend of Josh's so he wanted to get the scoop, I suppose). First thing he says, in this singsongy voice, is, "Geeee, you look nice."

Me: Um, ok?

Walter: You do! I usually only see you at school, when you look like shit. (Subtlety is not his strong point.)

Me: Oh thank you. Thank you so much, Walter.

Walter: It's true! Usually you come to school with no makeup, sweats-

Me: I have never once worn sweats to school.

Walter: Well, that's true, but you know what I'm saying.

So I guess I look better when I actually make an attempt. As futile as those attempts are. :)

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Not exactly that, BUT, everyone seems to have the opposite opinion to me of what makes me look good. For example, awhile ago I had my hair cut. Pretty major - it went from two inches past my shoulders to about ear-length. I liked it at first, but then I decided it made my neck look too long (I'm not kidding here, I looked like a giraffe). So I decided I would start growing it long again, and told a friend this was what I planned to do. He replied, "Really?? I like it way better short like that!"

Aargh! (Although, as people have already said, it's not attractiveness, it's just varying degrees of unattractiveness).

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

You, know.. sometimes they do.. and sometimes they don't. Usually, guys find me more attractive when I find myself attractive. It's all in the way I carry myself.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

this isn't really my story to tell, but I'm going to tell it anyway. while I was at the beach with my friend, lindsey, last year, she got some sort of "condition". she had some kind of allergic reaction to hair dye that caused her forehead to swell into a giant cone-shape that made her eyes swollen into barely visible slits. she honestly looked like some sort of alien or deformed--a bad case of forehead elephant skin, perhaps. since her eyes were so closed up, she couldn't wear her contacts and wore her glasses instead. being the stubborn motherfucker that she is, she still insisted that we go out and party, despite her illness and deformation. so later on we met up with this very attractive guy that we hang out with every time we go to the beach, and he says to her, "hey, you look better with your glasses on!" and he was being completely serious. no offense to my best friend, but damn, she looked like HELL. so in conclusion, yea, girls get complimented even when they're not trying at all. I guess guys are just dense.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

On behalf of the male community, thank you for that last comment. :P

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Sometimes I'll feel great about the way I look, other times I hit rock bottom. Regardless of what guys think of me, though, if I feel unattractive their admiration isn't going to do a thing for me if I myself think I look bad. 'Cause I'd just figure they had really bad taste (and the fact that 99.5% of the male population wear clothing regulation 3 sizes too big for them just reinforces that opinion ..)

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

if it's any consolation, I have been told repeatedly that I'm the most dense person you could meet ... and I'm definitely a girl.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000

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