Camera bag for F100+80-200 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I recently "bit the bullet" and decided to buy the best that money can buy--the AFS 80-200 f/2.8; and found this little nuisance: the combination F100 + lens is so big, it does not fit a compact camera bag. Is there anything out there that is slim and long to fit the combo? I know this sounds frivolous, but bags that can carry it seems so big...thanks,
-- Louis Tseng (, May 27, 2000
Louis,I have an F5 and 80-200 AF-S. I keep this combo in a Kinesis C570 bag that fits it perfectly. You can buy this alone or combine it with the rest of the kinesis system. They're web site is
-- Tom Hill (, May 27, 2000.
Actually try a Domke J-2 or J-3. It doesn't look like much, but it can store a lot of equipment very efficiently, with lens hoods attached, because of the vertical positioning of lens in the bag. Use Nikon snap caps (which fit hoods perfectly, without popping off like generic brands) over the front of the lens hood to keep dust out when not in use. This way, you'll have a flash, meter, and if necessary, other lenses, binoculars, or whatever, depending on the situation. They are real shooter's bags.
-- DJ Soroka (, May 27, 2000.
The new Tamrac 467 or 468 might solve the problem ( and
-- Aleksej Panic (, May 28, 2000.
I can fit my Canon 70-200/2,8 (About the same size as the AF-S )lens and EOS 1n (with booster) comfortably in the LowePro S&F Specialist 80. Catch is the lens hood needs to be stowed in the reverse position. Pretty good, as you still have some space at the side to fit small accessories like converters, tubes or even another small lens (I put my 20-30/2,8). Its reasonably size and with the deluxe belt, you can actually add more pouches on the exterior should you need to in the future.
-- Alex Yap (, May 29, 2000.
I keep my F5 with 80-200 AFS lens (with lens hood attached, in its shooting position) in a Tamrac 777 Pack. It works great and is very comfortable, plus there is plenty of room for other lenses, cables, film, etc. Sean
-- Sean Haggerty (, May 31, 2000.