Are your feet talented? : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

It's summer, and I'm back to "barefooting". That is, going out sans shoes. I was standing in line at a 7/11, and some guy dropped his change. Without a thought, I effortlesly picked up several coins with my toes. The guy was in amazement and complimented me that I had talented toes! Has anyone here had a guy(girl) compliment their feet? Is there something you do or can do with your feet when you are bored? Do guys actually get turned-on by barefoot girls? Your thoughts.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000


I pick up stuff with my bare feet all the time, up to and including this doorstop we have which weighs about 7 lb. Occasionally I will also pick up things with my feet while wearing socks; less easy but possible for some things. Saves having to bend down to pick stuff up

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

I can do that sort of thing too.. and also my feet are handy when I lose my balance... then I can move them over and not fall. I nearly trip all the time... when I first saw the title I was thinking "well I hope they don't mean dancing!" I'm such a clumsy mf.

(I thought 7-11 had a "no shoes no service" policy? Maybe not in West Virginia.. )

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2000

Grooooosssss! Ooooh y'all, I cannot bear the thought of walking around barefoot, exposing my feet to the universe.

Feet are bad, people.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000

Oh no! Feet are yummy! While not personally all into my own, I tend to adore other peoples'... Okay, women's feet really. As long as they are not hideously ugly (the feet). I espcially enjoy women's bare feet at the 7-11, or other fine establishments where Icees are served. They just seem to go together well. And feet are fun to massage and tickle and kiss (provided they are reasonably sanitary)...

So yes, barefoot girls can be a turn on. Except maybe in states where if you haven't landed a man and had a child by the age of 14 you are branded an old spinster.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000

Hey Laurel...I live in Florida and the management at 7-11 doesn't seem to mind me not having shoes...not if they want my money! If they nitpick me about my bare feet, well, there are plenty of c-stores and bodegas I can take my business to.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Picking stuff up with your feet is a big plus over bending down (lazy me) I do it all the time. I think feet are as sexy as hands for sure. If you pamper your pigs like you would your hands they stay looking nice. mmmmmmmmm soft warm pigs

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

well - my boyfriend has a real foot fetish, so in the last year, i've found i can do some pretty amazing things with my feet - wink, wink.

Alex's Atelier (

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

I used to be able to light a match with my toes. I guess that puts my way down on the evolutionary ladder...

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

my roommate freaked out on me yesterday because i was able to use my (bare) toes to hammer in some shims under our bookcases...comes from too many years in toe shoes which do horrible things to one's feet. and yes, i can pick up some odd things with my feet

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Dave - I can operate a childproof lighter with my toes. I don't think it bumps us down on the evolutionary ladder; any such pointless talent that so impresses other people has got to be a sign of higher being, IMHO. Of course, I guess I kind of have to feel that way...

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Just applauding Dave, cos I can barely light a match with my fingers. But can he do it with a gas lighter?

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

I am so vain about my feet. I love them. I love to paint up the toenails, put on a toe-ring and go parade them about in cute shoes, especially platforms (I'm 5'2"). Feet are very sexy, if you show them the love they deserve.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

My feet are flat so I have a great sense of balance. This comes in handy because I lack grace, in general, when I'm in a hurry, which I usually am. If I fall down, it isn't my feet's fault.

I've never had a sprained ankle despite almost turning them a thousand times in nonsensible shoes, for instance. Hooray for agile feet counterbalancing.

I find they are also highly heat-resistant, though less so than when I was little and used to stroll across the street when it was so hot the tar would melt. We'd then casually pick the cooled tar off the bottoms of our feet. Those are some impervious feet, mon.

I've also accidentally walked on broken glass many times in my lifetime and my feet have managed not to ever get cut. My hands are wimps in comparison, I get papercuts almost weekly.

My flat feet mean I have a collapsible arch, so I have the superpower of being able to wear many different sizes of shoes. Actually, this isn't as much fun as it sounds, it's nice to be able to go and just buy a pair of shoes in your size from, say, a catalogue and not try them on, but I can't do that. I do get serious foot/toe cramps if I've been on my feet for too long...stupid arches. I can fight this somewhat by alternating heel heights, but nothing's worse than toe cramp when you're trying to with someone. (i.e., Oh yeah,! OW! *everything stops dead until toe cramp goes away*)

My hands play it safe with a french manicure, but my toes go wild with all sorts of color and toe toys like rings. Right now they are silvery blue and the big toes have some holographic foil stuff suspended in clear polish on top drawn in a line down the middle...i.e., tacky but fun.

I generally find that my wardrobe default = black clothing, but I have funky footwear, all sorts of platforms (like red patent ones, black brocade ones, chunky 6-inch-thick soles on black sandals with red dragons embroidered on the heel part, etc.) and boots (Ziggy Stardust silver glittery zip-up ones, spy girl black suede retro ones, leopard-spot platform soled, etc.). Shoes are fun. Feet are fun.

I can pick things up with my feet, too, but 7 pound door stops might be a bit much to ask of them. Generally I can pick up change better off a flat surface with toes rather than fingers if my fingernails have any length at all.

Dr. Seuss had some book where you were asked to try writing with your alternate hand and your feet. I used to be pretty good at writing my name.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

I've been picking up stuff with my toes since I was a kid. I used to be able to withstand hot cement and tar, due to heavy calluses, but ever since I got my first complete pedicure (in my early 20's), those days are gone. But I don't really miss them, since my feet are so soft now.

I also pet my cats with my feet. I have four, and the three that I raised from kittens allow me to pet them with my feet. They even enjoy it. The one that I got when he was two runs away. He was on the street for a while, so he may have feet issues.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

I open doors with my feet. Comes in handy when your arms are full of.... whatever.

And since this is slighty related, i have a friend with the most beautiful toes. She always wears a ring on one, too. I have ugly toes, i think. I'm so jealous. I don't know if she can do anything with them, though.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

A friend of mine's mom has extremely talented feet. My friend and her mom were watching the original Classic Trek, back in the '60's, and the first episode showed up with the Vulcan Salute. Cool, thought my friend. She showed her mom the salute with both hands. Huh, thought her mom, who then did the salute with her hands AND FEET.

Creeps me out just thinking about it.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

When my Dad turned 60 I had my son (who was thirteen at the time) write a "letter" with some of the things he remembered about his grandad. One of the first things he mentioned in the letter was, "I remember you teaching me to pick up things with my toes." We all laughed really hard and then did indeed find some pictures of that very activity -- I think they were picking up Yatzee dice or something similar.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000

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