Molting Chickens : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just bought my first three hens about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I also bought a Roster. After the first two days my hens started losing thier feathers. I was told by a friend that they were molting and that I should just get rid of these hens. Can any one tell if the will start to lay eggs again. And if so, how long does this normaly take. Thanks and May God Bless.

-- Phil (, May 25, 2000


I don't understand...why would you "get rid" of hens because they are molting? Molting is a natural process for birds. I'd beware of any other advice coming from this particular friend...

-- Shannon (Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary) (, May 25, 2000.

Don't chickens molt in the fall? Then their feathers grow back and in spring they are back to normal and happy layers. But now???

-- Novina West (, May 25, 2000.

Maybe Mr. Rooster is to blame.

-- Polly (, May 25, 2000.

Phil, your hens could be loosing their feathers from the roosters loving attention :) also from the change of diet. Any change in protein in livestock can cause a loss of feathers or hair coat. And the stress of a move on top of this could be causing your problems. Just like a goat moved to a new home will loose some milk production and yes even dry up in some cases, a hen can quit laying. Laying Pellets, water, oyster shell and a nice nest box should have them back laying in no time. Moulting is a normal part of life in chickendom, if these hens are older, and have been laying a long time, and then forced to lay all winter with lights (like we do) and then brought to you, this would be expected. Course this is just my guess.. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, May 25, 2000.

it's more than likely the rooster if you get more hens he won't be so rough on the hens you have, besides one rooster can take care of several hens just fine

-- Pat (, May 25, 2000.

If they're losing feather on the back, above the tail but not up towards the neck, it's the rooster digging in his claws to get a grip. Stress (as in an unfamiliar environment) can tend to make birds moult as well, and if they're unfamiliar with a rooster's gung ho style that could be quite stressful as well.

-- Don Armstrong (, May 26, 2000.

I just wanted to mention that I had a couple of male Guinea Hens that got "randy" with my chickens and made them "naked". Got rid of the Guinea's (the female "buckwheat" drove me crazy) and problem gone.

-- Dee Tur (, May 29, 2000.

Thanks fro the advise. Just thought that you'all would like to know, that I am getting three eggs every other day. One is always brown. Thanks again

-- Phil (, May 30, 2000.

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