Olympus C-3000 vs C-3030

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Now that the specifications and release date of mid-June for the C-3000 have been set, the only apparent difference between it and the C-3030 is the 32MB internal buffer and a 16MB smartmedia card with the 3030 vs an 8MB with the 3000. Which is the better buy?

From the specification sheets on each camera, it appears the only area the buffer affected was the sequence mode and a more limited Mootion Picture Mode. While there is a novelty to motion picture capture with a digital camera, it seems that at this stage in their development the quality does not warrant spending significantly more for the camera. I am also unsure of what a faster sequential mode benefits the user.

There is a $250 price difference on a popular online retailer between these two models (a lot of $ for a college kid), and was wondering if any weathered digital camera users saw a gleaming benefit to having an internal buffer or if I was missing any other advantages it provides.

Thanks for your input.


-- Paul MacWilliams (pvm2@duke.edu), May 24, 2000


The other difference is in the software bundle: The 3030 comes with Photoshop LE, the 3000 not. The buffer memory will also affect shot to shot speed in non-continuous mode also, although we don't yet know how much (have a unit in house, are shooting test shots with it, haven't done the other measurements yet). I personally think the C3000 represents an absolutely fantastic bargain, and for most users the slower response time likely won't be a big issue...

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), May 24, 2000.

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