mvf4s update : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Here's what the title says...

Make...MV Agusta Model..F4-750S Shipping Weight...425 HP...118 G.V.W.R. 717?

What's this gvwr? Anyone know?

I am registering it during lunch, and will pick it up on 5-27, and ride it home, maybe a 200 mile trip. More to follow...lost more.

-- moderator (, May 24, 2000


I have had my f4s for a month now and have managed to get it insured this week,as a result it has rained every day just as i get in from work. I am hoping to take the bike to the TT in a couple of weeks(i live in the uk) but if it is not run in by then i will take my 916.

-- ian hall (, May 26, 2000.

GVWR is the gross vehicle weight, in other words the weight of the bike plus the max payload. Obviously an important number for trucks and a used to detirmine taxation in some locales.

BTW, congratulations! I received mine a few weeks ago. You will be very happy. Do not be concerned if the brakes don't seem to work well. Mine needed a great deal of breaking in. Now the back wheel can be pulled off the ground easily. I was planning to take the MV to the DOCC Rally at Mosport this weekend for a real report on the performance but a highside incident at last weekend's race(not the MV!)has cancelled that.

-- Scott Rothermel (, May 26, 2000.

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