Vogue articlegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread |
Hey, has anyone read the article with Casey in the May issue of Vogue? It is so cool, and the picture of him is really nice. If you get a chance, read it.
-- sonia (luvs184@excite.com), May 23, 2000
Sonia, is there anyway you can scan the article and photo and put it on the internet?
-- Khandace Williams (baby@hotmail.com), May 28, 2000.
i'm so proud of him. he's in vogue!! you go, boy! :) i'll have to see if i can still find a copy...prolly too late. :(
-- Susi-Q (Pensivefix@aol.com), May 31, 2000.
Hey, anyone who wants to read the Vogue article it is up at Melina's The Unofficial Ben and Casey Affleck site. Here is the address: http://www.geocities.com/unofficialbenandcaseysite/ Enjoy!
-- sonia (luvs184@excite.com), June 10, 2000.