need help or recipe for roasting peanuts. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Someone help me out! Had a good first time crop of peanuts that have been drying. They don't taste all that bad raw but I would really like to know a good way to roast them. Salted in the shell like the baseball park would be even better. Thanks,

-- John Mengel (, May 22, 2000


John, wouldn't it be the same as roating pumkin seeds? Sort of. We soaked them in a heavily salted water a couple of hours, I think and then roasted them. Why don't you put "peanuts" into your browser and see what you come up with?

-- Jill Faerber (, May 27, 2000.

To oven roast peanuts, heat your oven to 350 degrees F. Place a single layer of raw peanuts in a shallow baking pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes if the nuts are out of the shell and 20 to 25 if they are still in the shell. Please remember that peanuts, because they are so dense, will hold heat for several minutes and will continue to cook after they are removed from the oven. So be sure to cook them just short of the doneness you want.

-- Jose Imenez (, August 25, 2001.

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