If you like movies, you should check this out.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Katie, I know you're a huge movie buff, so hopefully you won't be pissed that I posted this in your forum. If you are, I'm sorry, and you can feel free to verbally kick my ass.

There's a website y'all should check out -- No Extra Day. It's the official website for an independent film that was filmed up in Seattle last year. The director and a few crew members are still trying to scrape together enough money to finish the fine-tuning of the editing.

What's the movie about? It's about the closing of a good video store -- the kind of store where the employees know every movie in the place by heart, everyone speaks in movie quotes.. (the kind of place where you could walk up to an employee, say "I'm looking for that movie with that guy from that one thing," and with a few quick questions, they'd know which movie you were looking for). The store is forced to close by the arrival of one of those big chain stores that stocks 500 copies of Godzilla, and no foreign films or anything made before 1975.

Why do I think you should go to this site? Because you like movies, you seem to like dry sarcastic humor (which the No Extra Day website is chock-full of), and, well, just because. I know these guys; they worked hard. They deserve a bit of recognition.

Just go check out the website (and its corresponding forum). And if you don't like it, you can come after me with a baseball bat, I promise.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000


Why does everyone think they're not allowed to post random stuff in here? You are...

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

i'm TOTALLY not joking when i suggest that you all rent 'office space'. pure fucking comedic genius.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

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