Dream Digital LF cameragreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
The following is a description of a dream digital LF camera. The resolution of the imager would be 400 megapixels. The color depth would be 64bits. You would wear special glasses to give you a virtual reality interface to the camera. The main part of the virtual world would be the a 4000x5000 pixel preview image that floats in front of you. Using This image would allow you to see a prediction of what the final image is to look like. The preview takes into consideration the current exposure settings, and other factors. Along with the preview image you would see your own hands as virtual hands. These hands operate a virtual interface that allows you to adjust exposure, camera movements, focus, etc... You could move a virtual loupe (with variable magnification) over the preview image using your virtual hands. The camera itself would be much smaller and lighter then the normal 4x5 LF camera. The focal lengths of the lenses would be smaller thus providing better depth of field. The camera would be mounted on a special light weight tripod that allows you to rotate the camera on a ball or pan head automatically using the virtual interface. The glasses can turn off and revert to ordinary sunglasses or go into clear glass mode. They should have this in a few months.
-- Jon Miller (jmill@cybertime.net), May 21, 2000
Wow Jon... the experience of using a camera like that would be like flashing back to my college days at the Dayton Art Institute. Far out! Now where did I leave that Fugs album...........
-- Dave Richhart (pritprat@erinet.com), May 21, 2000.
Don't be such a wimp. Stop dreaming and start building. This page might give you some ideas:http://www.ucolick.org/~loen/Deimos/constr_images_detector.html
If you need to ask the price, you can't afford it.
-- Struan Gray (struan.gray@sljus.lu.se), May 21, 2000.
you are talking some serious computer horsepower just to open a file of that size, much less manipulate it with any dexterity. but it wont be long before terahertz processors and gigabites of RAM are commonplace, and digital imaging will truly rival even the finest large-format chemical process. an additional consideration for those of us in the field of recordation is the archival quality of the "hard copy" images, and a secure method for long-term storage of digital image files. i wonder how long it will be before the library of congress allows digital imagery and prints as an acceptable format for HABS/HAER documentation...
-- jnorman (jnorman@teleport.com), May 21, 2000.
I want one of the cameras you described! Only question is, what will power it in the field, a car battery or a 5000 ft. extension cord? :)
-- Mike Troxell (mtroxell@ix.netcom.com), May 23, 2000.
Might as well mount it on a robotic tripod. Then you could just program it to go take pictures while you stay home and watch TV.
-- Wayne (wsteffen@mr.net), May 24, 2000.
Wait a few more years, and get the new concept: No more camera, lenses, back and tripod. Just the power of a spaghetti dish and you will use the most sophisticated tool ever made: you. By wearing the Hypersensitive-Electro-Neurotransmitto-Collector Helmet, all the informations seen with your eyes will be stored and recalled at your convenience, for any use, including mind corrected, mind painted artistico-realist everlasting prints. ... But whereabouts have I stored this polaroid thing from the old time?
-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@vtx.ch), May 24, 2000.
Wayne, The robotic tripod and TV watching sounds like a very bad Idea. On the other hand, my dream LF camera requires human level intelligence and imagination.
-- Jon Miller (jmill@cybertime.net), May 25, 2000.
I dont like my idea at all, but it seemed like the natural next step in removing ones self from actual (as opposed to virtual) photography.
-- Wayne (wsteffen@mr.net), May 25, 2000.