Abdominal pain after swim workout

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Swimming : One Thread

My 10yr. old son has recently had bouts of abdominal pain after swim workouts. He has been swimming year-round for about 1 1/2 yrs. This problem has started when he began more difficult workouts. I believe it is related to swallowing air while swimming. Has anyone heard of this problem? Any suggestions?

-- A.Peppard (aessigpepp@aol.com), May 19, 2000


do a work out before hand it may stop the pain

-- matt (nukky82@hotmail.com), March 18, 2002.

Guess what...I know the true answer. I'm also a swimmer and I just started swimming. I know how he feels. It really does start to hurt. But he abdominal pain is caused from breathing too much. After every 5 or 3 strokes he needs to take a breath. Not every time he makes a stroke. Believe me, I've had the same thing happen to me. But, once I trained myself to build up my lungs, I didn't have anymore pain. - Hope I helped. Tell him to keep up the swimming.

-- Renee (miss_lady_cleopatra@yahoo.com), May 10, 2002.

HOW MUCH WATER IS HE DRINKING he could be dehydrated or not enough food before practice or too much food before practice.

-- Coach Ben (swiftswims@cona.net), December 22, 2004.

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