music, art and selling stuff: because you guys seem to know everything... : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Okay, so we have some prints that we found. The style is called "nutting," where you paint over a black-and-white photograph.

I'm looking at one called "The Cliff Pine" by Lawson.

Do you know where I could find a value for this thing? We have a few of these things from other artists as well.

Anyone know where we can sell 78rpm albums? We've got tons.

Old law books? Yeah, we've got full sets.

You guys seem to know everything. I'd never even heard of Depression Glass before I got here.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000


depression glass is the best! it comes in all different colors, shapes and was made into things for all different uses. i'm also a big fan of milk glass (usually white or green, with bumps or bubbles all over the surface of the item). it's definitely an acquired taste, but i really like it, nonetheless.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000


Are any of the prints that you found actual Wallace Nutting prints? (He would hand-paint over black-and-white photos - that's where the term "nutting" came from.)

I think they are fairly valuable. Check here for more info: or

Lawson would probably fall into a the category of Nutting-Like photographers, some of whom are collectable.

I knew this information would come in handy someday...I only know this because a friend's mother collects Nutting prints and talks about it all the time. I've found some on amazon's auctions.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

How old are the law books? You could probably get an appraisal from a bookstore that specializes in old and rare books. I imagine full sets would be very desirable to collectors (in most cases, full sets are worth more than the values of the individual books added up).

And, as Allison said, actual Wallace Nutting prints are very collectible, especially in New England.

I'm a Depression Glass collector, too. Who knew there were so many of us who read squishy?

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

Maybe you should have a Pamie-Bay auction right here. So far it sounds like pretty much all of us want some of your stuff. :)

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

Pink and white depression glass girlie, here!

I've been collecting it since I was 10 and my great grammie gave me a pitcher. A pink pitcher.

I fell in love.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

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