Dying Days update

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

Sorry to do this to you, but I'm in the process of changing 'puters and don't have acess to the file that has the final chapters of Dying Days on it right now. Might be a week or so before I get the next chapter posted here... sorry again...

-- Justice (demoncougar@hotmail.com), May 19, 2000


Awww... and I was hoping to read the next chapters too.

-- Aaron Guest a.k.a. Magma Bird (forgmike@excite.com), May 19, 2000.

That's all right, just make sure to post when you are done.

-- RaPtOr2157 (raptor2157@aol.com), May 19, 2000.

I was referring to Horse of a Different Color with the Xena reference in it (though the way I put it was rather confusing). By the way all, Justice got a kick-ass 'puter for her birthday...40 K. Great eye candy too...grey and blue Pentium. And I just remembered...Joxer was gutted. In the episode Eve. By aforesaid character. Who is Xena's daughter. And 25 years old. Don't ask (or better yet, *DO* ask, when I get my forum up!).

-- Freya Lorelei (freya2000@aol.com), May 19, 2000.

first eagle, now justice - these new puters are making me green with envy!

-- torey luvullo (toreyluvullo@hotmail.com), May 19, 2000.

Hey, don't worry, Torey... I was working with a five year old P.O.S. Packard Bell which royally sucked.

-- Justice (DemonCougar@hotmail.com), May 20, 2000.

yep - mine exactly.

-- torey luvullo (toreyluvullo@hotmail.com), May 20, 2000.

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