Parents who never tell you anything : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Do you parents conveniently forget to tell you things? I mean either trivial things or important things like the fact that somebody in your family died, is getting married, having a baby, etc.?

Mine do. It annoys me to no end.

What about stuff like sex? I personally never received a sex talk (not that I'm complaining -- how embarrassing). My mother never even bothered to tell me about stuff like menstruation, either. It's a good thing I had friends who kept me filled in (in a half-assed way, of course), otherwise that could have gotten very ugly.

I just thought of something. What if my parents never talked to me about sex because they figured I'm so ugly I'll never have it? Oh God.

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2000


Believe me, they don't think you're so ugly you'd never have sex. Pfft. AS IF Katie :)

My parents haven't given me a sex talk. (Yet? I'm tenth grade for chrissake.) And I don't particularly want one. I'm very uncomfortable with that stuff around my parents, ergh.

And my mum got me a book about periods and shit. Good thing I figured it out from the book and my friends, otherwise it probably would have been a Carrie-esque scene.


Nah, you're not the only one *nods*

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

I just wish the woman would have said something about my period, for christsake. I didn't tell her for about three days because I thought I was going to get in trouble or something. Why I thought that, I don't know.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

I just got informed that my grandpa has parkensens (like Michael J Fox). Oh... and he might have to get heart surgery... that pisses me off. They're like "Oh! I thought I told you. that must have been your brother". They found out like 2 weeks ago too... grrrr

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

Oh, that happens to me sometimes. I just conveniently find out about stuff sometimes if I overhear their conversations. I wasn't told that my grandparents moved from Canada to San Francisco until a few days after the fact. I hate to find out stuff that I was already supposed to know.

And same with you, I never got the sex talk, or anything like that. I just got used to everything from friends and people like that, but definitely not my parents.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

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