"New" Epson scanner and printergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
In the latest issue of Shutterbug two of the digital articles extolled the virtues of the Epson 1270 printer and 1600 scanner. It sounded like 11x14's from MF slides and Negs turned out beautifully. Any comments from current users? Someone suggested previously that we should wait for the "next generation" printers. Is this the one??
-- George Nedleman (gnln@thegrid.net), May 18, 2000
I recently acquired a 1270. Immediately after the purchase, while waiting for delivery, I read the article in "Shutterbug". I was skeptical. When I made my first print on the thing, I was amazed, to say the least. I had previously scanned a B&W 4x5 neg on the older generation Epson Expression Pro, sepia-toned the positive in Photoshop, and colored a small portion, to simulate hand oil coloring. The print was phenomenal. I then scanned a sheet of 120 transparency film and printed on glossy paper. It looked like a standard proof sheet. I'm impressed!
-- Jack Chase (jgchase@tenet.edu), May 18, 2000.
I too print on Epson 1270, A3 size, from 4x5 Velvia scanned on Epson 1200 Photo scanner. The print compares quite well with profesionnal "optical" prints of the same size from same original document. I just noticed that colour range may sometimes be poorer but I still have a lot to learn about Photoshop and scanner drivers.
-- Jean-Marie Solichon (jardin-exotique@monte-carlo.mc), May 19, 2000.