Piooner 717 + VCD: problems?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I tried to make a VCD with Flask/Panasonic plugin. I used video at 2100 k/bits and audio at 224 k/bits. My pc's DVD player plays it OK. My standalone DVD player (Pioneer 717) plays it jerkily. I know that this VCD isn't standard, but someone on the net make it succesfully. Is it my fault or a 717's limitation? Is there anyone who can help me?

Thanks in advance!


-- mark (commedianti@hotmail.com), May 18, 2000


you are trying to play a SVCD but pioneer 717 plays vcd's.... regards

-- thanos (dataline@acsmi.gr), September 09, 2002.

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