Nothing in particulars...hi Justice! : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

Hi...just a friend of Justice. EXCELLENT fan fic dearie...don't know what the hell you're driving at (never played Monster Rancher), but well-written nonetheless. And folks...I'm the one responsible for any Xena references in the fan fic. I'm a slavering Xenite, and turned Justice onto it. If you don't mind I'd like to include my sites? Never played Monster Rancher, but I've rated a lot of other video games, and write poems, a Xena fic, and original stories on my sites. (game site) (Cozy Poetry Nook) (sic) Thanks, and Keep Up the Great Work!

-- Freya Lorelei (, May 18, 2000


Um, okaaaaaaaaaaaaay... yeah, she did make me a Xena fan... erm, riiight... Hey, Freya, whaddaya say t'me makin a Xena forum???

-- Justice (, May 18, 2000.

Well...ive....been a hercules and xena fan since the third grade then hercules got canceled, it sucks, did you see Livia aka eve on the last xena

-- Bloodshed (, May 18, 2000.

Coolers... I've never really gotten into Hercules... and I'm in no way the xena fanatic Freya is... Nope, I am a Gambit of the X-Men fan first and foremost. Erm, Freya? Which fanfic? Horse of a Different Color or Dying Days??? Y'need ter make yerself more clear.

-- Justice (, May 18, 2000.

SEEN Livia and Eve? Try TAPED! And I meant the Dying Days...although both are well-written...very much so. And the Xena forum is an excellent idea...although I'm afraid the idea's been done twelve times over and hanged. There are more Xena forums out there than hairs on my head. I've considered writing up a Xena Purity Test though...haven't seen that done yet.

-- Freya Lorelei (, May 18, 2000.

dying days is one of the better ones ive read.

-- torey luvullo (, May 18, 2000.

If you don't mind, may I maintain the forum Justice, and you could assist? Since I do know quite a bit more about the show that you do (no offense, but that's pretty much an accepted fact...I identify freakin' extras, for the love of god). Although I'll need a bit of help getting started...I haven't the first clue as how to begin. Sounds like a great idea!

-- Freya Lorelei (, May 18, 2000.

Thanks, Torey! It's just my first MR2 fanfic and I'm really pleased with how it's turning out. Well, actually Freya, that was why I wanted to make it. That way, I could just sit back and let ppls argue over wether Joxer should be gutted or not... howevers, I do need a list of appropriate "topics" to make our Xena board... *sighsigh* I originally wanted to make a Paint Horse Forum, but I'd never get any traffic.

-- Justice (, May 19, 2000.

Erm, Freya? Thought just occurred to me... there are no references to Xena in Dying Days. I didn't even rip any names from it. Oh, sure, I based Mau'Cha'Kai on Edward from Laurell K. Hamilton's "Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter" series, but nothing from Xena... btw, everyone? Go read that series. ESPECIALLY all you females out there. It's wonderful!

-- Justice (, May 19, 2000.

My thoughts exactly, Justice. You do the technical stuff, and I handle the content and FAQ. As for about areas devoted to the actors, specific characters (Xena, Gab, Callisto etc), fan fic, questions related to the technical aspects--writing, location, and music--of the show (I'll field all of those), and of course Off-Topic stuff. We'll just install the regular rules--no flaming and no trolls (people who come in and do annoying stuff on purpose). Sounds fun!

-- Freya Lorelei (, May 19, 2000.

Okay, yeah, that works... dual maintainers. Cool!

-- Justice (, May 20, 2000.

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