Nikon Coolpix 990 power supply ??? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone know if the power supply from the previous coolpix line is ok for the new 990? My dealer sent me the wrong one by mistake and I've been using it with no problem. I only recently discovered there is a new model for the 990. If someone has a 990 with the a/c adapter, what is the output voltage of that power supply?



-- Sandra S (, May 15, 2000


I compared the power supply specs between the 950 (which I sold)and my new 990 and they are the same. I've used the power source for many hours already, no problems.

-- Ted Krohn (, May 15, 2000.

I agree with Ted. I use an aftermarket brand meant for the 950 and it works great with the 990. Same voltage...current draw shouldn't be any more...not if the claims for power consumption are true. I have used the 950 aftermarket supply for hours and also have not had any problems.

-- Jarrod Rominske (, May 23, 2000.

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