Homestead in Oklahoma : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I live in Oklahoma, and have thought about looking for land in another state, but do like parts of Oklahoma. Is there anyone on the forum in Oklahoma? What part do you live in and how much is land?

-- John A Maughan (, May 15, 2000



I live in NE Oklahoma in a very rural area. Land can be found at reasonable prices, but employment could be a problem. Where in Oklahoma are you? What is it you are looking to find or avoid? More details would help me know how to respond.

-- Mona (, May 15, 2000.

I am from Texas,but my greatgrandmother&grandmother were from OklahomaIndian Territory.They told me Pauls Valley was a nice area..does anyone know?I hear Oklahoma has the BEST land prices and the Most water,Both are important for homesteaders,It's tough & dry here in Arizona.

-- Boonie Johnson (, May 18, 2000.

I live in Eastern OK., 20 miles west of McAlester, very rural, I feel land is cheep, moving from the Wis., Ill., border a few years ago. Jobs could be problem, my husband was transferred to this area so he had a job. I am worry about my daughter future in the job field here. They may end up in Tulsa, OKC, FtWorth, Dallas, all of which is 2 to 3 hrs away. We bought over 200 acreas, decent pasture, lots of hills and woods. We have planted a Blueberry U-Pick, not sure if the area is too rural for U-Picks, but will see. It will open next year. Need one more for a decent production.

-- Debbie Wolcott (, May 22, 2000.

John, We live in East Central Okla. West of Tulsa & East of OKC. The big every one says is a decent job. I commute to Tulsa to a town job. All I can tell you is if we had all the benifits of big town living we would also have all the bad things that are part of the urban existance.

-- Okie-Dokie (, May 28, 2000.

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