Copying VCD to CD-R : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am trying to copy a .dat file AND the VCD Power Player to a CD-R. I can do a Copy Disc and it will copy the .dat file and nothing else BUT when I drag and drop the .dat file and the VCD Power Player files, Easy Cd Creator Deluxe tells me that my CD-R doesn't have enough disk space. The .dat file is 750megs and the CD-R is only 650 BUT the disc copy still copies the file over ONLY when I do a drag and drop does it not work. WHAT'S GOING ON ???

-- Armin Pohl (, May 15, 2000


Dat files on VideoCDs are in a special shortened record format that can only be produced by VCD writing software such as Nero or EzyCDPro.

VCDCutter will convert the DAT file to Mpeg which you can then write to CD as a VideoCD and add your PC player software to the top level of the CDR.

-- Garth (, May 16, 2000.


-- GopinathPM (, June 16, 2004.

I am trying to copy a .dat file AND the VCD Power Player to a CD-R. I can do a Copy Disc and it will copy the .dat file and nothing else BUT when I drag and drop the .dat file and the VCD Power Player files, Easy Cd

-- john.maybury (, July 08, 2004.

change vcd to cd , dvd to vcd, dvd to cd ????

-- nguyen hoang tuan (, July 10, 2004.

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