VueScan/Hamrick : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I keep hearing good things about this program for slide scanning. Are there any "favorable stories" out there?

-- MikeB (, May 10, 2000


it has a very primitive frontend but quite useful tool... i dont quite know about it's usefulness in slide scanning, but it does have an advantage in negative scanning... it has the ability of batch scanning a strip of negative. it's quite well developed that it does a decent quality color correction and if used with the digital ice technology in some nikons and minoltas the program will remove dust spots and hairline cracks...

ed is developing a new version 6.0 (which is available to download as a beta test) that gives you a more familiar front end gui with a preview scan of the image first...

-- Keat Lim (, May 11, 2000.

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