Tim Burton

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I love Tim Burton. He's very cool. I've heard that he's directed a new commercial, but I don't know for who. Has anyone heard? What's it like? Is it as cool as his movies?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


Who's Tim Burton?

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000

You know, the guy who directed Sleepy Hollow, Beetlejuice, the Nightmare before Christmas...

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

ah, someone wrote about this on my forum too. I have no idea about any commercial but supposedly it must be a big deal since I've been hearing things about it around the web on boards.

and yeah, at first, I didn't remember who tim burton was but I sorta thought of sleepy hollow [which I haven't seen] and it clicked..oh well.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2000

I just read that the commercial he directed was for Timex. It's supposed to be playing in movie theaters and on TV now, but I haven't seen where. But you can go to the Timex web site (icontrol.timex.com) to download it - that's where I found it. It's a very fun commercial. There's lots of action. It's almost like a little movie. Check it out!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

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