OOooooo! I want that!!!! : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

I recently saw a pic of a Joker, and I read a bit about 'em, an' I wants one fer m'self! How can I get one? What do I have to do? And what CDs might have one on 'em? Sorry that this is such an uninformed question...

-- Justice (, May 08, 2000


to get a joker, you must combine two monsters with a joker mask, which is found at kawrea[the june volcano expedition with dr talico]. according to tecmo's site, you cannot find the joker mask until after you've found the fire feather and made a phoenix. it is in the altar, way back and to the right - hard to describe without a map. its well worth it - the animation sequence after the mask is found may be the funniest in the whole game.

joker subs are plentiful, but there arent many joker mains on cd - you might want to check out the cdc list on the monsterrancher 2 archive at the metropolis...

-- torey luvullo (, May 08, 2000.

Cool! Thanks! Erm, where could I find a map of said expedition?

-- Justice (, May 09, 2000.

Justice, the map can be found at at the expidition section

-- Jello (, May 09, 2000.

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