rolled up old print : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I was recently given a very old (1913) print. That is a panaramic picture of a flooded town in penn. in 1913. It is fairly large probably 11x24 or so. It seems to have been stored rolled up, it is possible to unwind it enough to see the whole image but I wouldn't want to flatten. My question is what the best way to go about flattening it? Should I rewash it I have a large archival washer I use for my stuff that it would fit in. Or should I mist it flat some how then dry it flat on screens? any help would be great.

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-- doug (, May 02, 2000


Make 2 liters of glycerin solution: 1 part glycerin to 15 parts water and soak for about 30 minutes and then dry on screens, this should remove the curl and allow the print to stay relaxed. Pat

-- pat j. krentz (, May 03, 2000.

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