Okay, let's try this again...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Alright, here goes...Snarling Daton, ) Justice, 2000
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000
For anyone who cares, this pic was done in pencil on paper, then scanned into my 'puter and colored.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000
OMG eek! He's gonna eat me!
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000
Awesome pic, Justice. Hey Justice, would you mind if I put that up as one of my Pic of the Day pics? Adios
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000
Dear god, Aaron! You have to ask??? I am, after all, a true artist, in the sense that I am hopelessly conceited and egotistical about my art, and nothing would please me more than for this to be a "Pic of the Day!"
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000