Against Sinless : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread |
Here is a link to Summit Theological Seminary's website and an article with the opposing view of "sinless perfection" by Dr. George Faull.He has much to add to the argument that I missed.
Sorry....I'm URL will have to type the address in.
Here it is:
Duane (call me Yoda) Schwingel has made it clickable:Click here
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Mike....You define "fairness" your view??
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
If it looks like a duck....and quacks like a is a ___________. (fill in the blank)
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Kelley....Your just reeling cause you got spanked on the tithing issue.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Kelley....Is Nelta or Connie back??
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
And if any here are interested in fairness, one can glean the opposite view from I ask that all who might be interested, look at both arguments, and let truth lead where it may. And any serious questions I offer my E-mail address below.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Once you get to this web-site click on " NEW CREATION." Please note that Danny and most others in opposition call this "sinless perfection" WE DO NOT!! NOR DOES THE BIBLE!!
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Danny, I just received your's and Mike's response to and old thread on "Is Our Movement Dead" and I got to say I like Mike's response. Danny your sarcasm is not becoming of you in fact they are at times rude and very "jerky". Instead, of being sarcastic against people thoughts why not try real honest talk?
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Danny, I consider myself correct in the tihing issue... I am the correct one (Ha)! Second, I do not know what Nelt or Connie are doing- I never much cared for Nelta's post.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000
Hi, Danny,I was gone for four days to my son's in Ohio, but I'm back. I can see you are overjoyed.
'A soft answer turns away wrath' -- and 'A brother offended is harder to be won'.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000
WB Connie =)
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000