Litigation of misrepresentation : LUSENET : Coldwell Banker : One Thread

We were victims of misrepresentation by Cendant(parent company for Coldwell Banker. In August 1995 we purchased a house in Tucson Arizona. Our case goes to trial next month May 2000. Caliando v. Wallauch(previous owner), Long Realty(Tucson Realty Agency), and PHH (Cendant Mobility.

-- c caliando (, April 28, 2000


We also were victims, how did your trial turn out, we are still in depositions. How did they misrepresent you?

-- jc (, October 15, 2000.

We were also victims of misrepresentation by Cendant. I am in the process of gathering up enough information to sue them. I found this posting and thought maybe you could help us. Any information that you could share would be greatly appreciated!

-- (, March 29, 2001.

I am a victim of CB misrepresentation. The broker stated the home we were buying was 5178 sq ft. In actuality it is 3566 sq ft. There are many other details but too much to mention. I am curious if anyone else has similar issues and what the outcomes are. Ive talked to my attorney, but they think its a pretty gray area in my state (iowa) even though there is convincing evidence around the country that I have a strong case. Anyone have experience here? Thank you.

-- Brad Essman (, October 24, 2003.

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