Microphotography with Emoscop SM

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Preliminary tests show that it is possible to take microphotography with Emoscop and a Minox 8x11 camera.

I use a Minox C with a binocular adpater clamping on an Emoscop on a stand.

The test object is a 50 dollar Canadian bill--- on one side there are lines which to the naked eye look line just lines are infact rows and rows of"BANKOFCANADA50BANKOFCANADA50...."

The negatives indeed show that pattern clearly

However the images are not yet sharp enough, so more experiment is necessary.

For such kind of microphotography, a traditional microscope is useless, as its sample must be mounted on a piece of glass carrier and looked through transmitted light.

For Minox microphotography with opaque objects, Emoscop is quite useful.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 26, 2000

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