Digital Film Reader or Flashpath Adapter? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I've ordered an Olympus D-360L Camera which uses a smart media memory card and I would like to get some means to down-load my images other than the included serial cable. Any suggestions?Thanks
-- Rector Griffith (, April 26, 2000
If you can use a PCMCIA adaptor on a laptop, that's good, or else try one of the many card readers that use USB or parallel port. You can also use floppy drive adaptors for smartmedia.They all get the job done. :)
-- benoit (, April 27, 2000.
Thanks for your response. I've about decided on a USB reader
-- Rector Griffith (, April 29, 2000.
Well, if you haven't already chosen the USB cable, I would strongly reccommend you reconsider, especially if you have a large memory card. The transfer rate through the USB cable is approximately 12 MB per minute, while with a PCMCIA adapter it is at internal IDE speeds (much, much faster).Most PCMCIA adapter kits cost under $100.
-- Bart Snell (, May 03, 2000.