xing encoder and adaptec ezcd creator : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there any way to stop the conflict of taking control over the system.ini file between these two programs? If I change the system.ini file to make active movie the default then xing encoder does not work and if I have xing mpeg player as the default, ezcd creator does not work. What is the solution? I am tired of having to change the system.ini file all the time. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks ............

-- joseph desai (, April 25, 2000


easy solution: first, uninstall xing, and install TMPGENC encoder. Xing is to slow and has limited options. TMPGENC is much better.

Second, uninstall EZCD ERROR_Creator, it sucks! and it always trys to bully any other burning/encoding prog (shame on Adaptec & ROxio); install Nero Burning Rom it is a much better burner.

Voila" 2 better progs, and no fucking conflicks, nor fucking attitudes.

Third, never install xing or Sleezy Creator again.. hope this helps.

-- bwarehouse (, December 11, 2001.

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