Action Finders: F/F2/F3 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'm looking for a manual focus Nikon body that will accept an action finder. I know I can get a new F3 action finder for >$400 from B&H, but I'm willing to investigate the F/F2 options. The AF bodies & their action finders are just out of sight economically.

I'm aware of the lack of metering with the F & the F2 with these finders & it won't really affect me -- I'm going to go with incident or spot.

How common are these things, and what prices do they usually get used? I've only ever seen one of these things for sale & couldn't remember the price if I tried.

-- John O'Connell (, April 20, 2000


Action finders were made for the F cameras, but are rarely found second-hand. If you do find one, buy it and get a body to suit.

-- Alan Gibson (, April 21, 2000.

Hi John, I saw an Action Finder for the F3 models at: (Austria) The price was around 200.-US$. One for the F4 models at As well this may be of use for you: Nikon used equipment of any kind. Regards, Ralf.

-- Ralf Grambrock (, April 23, 2000.

I used to have an Action Finder for a Nikon F that I could use with both Nikon F or Nikon F2 bodies. Unfortunately it was stolen along with a Nikon F body. I found it very useful for industrial photography where I'd be required to wear goggles. I see them ocassionally for around US$200.00

-- Ellis Vener (, May 10, 2000.

I own an action finder for the F2 which I found in near-pristine condition at a local used camera dealer (though I doubt if he's had more than one of these in the last 10 years to sell). I paid more than $200 for mine--but they can probably be found cheaper in "user" condition.

You can find them occasionally on eBay, but make sure to buy only from a reputable seller (always check feedback--you are looking for sellers with a history of excellent dealings).

-- Gary Voth (, May 31, 2000.

pop in to periodically. They have 2 action finders for the F3 in stock currently, 'EXC' condition for $254.

I bought one from them in 'BGN' condition last year; I think it was about $175.

-- Todd Peach (, July 11, 2000.

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