Help dead lamb ! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I was in the barn making a new pen , the lambs were doing fine .My 7 year old went in to play with them , and 1 fell over to its side gasp a couple of times and died .Whats up with that ?Respitory ?This seems to be a problem around here , but it usually happens in the first 48 hours .Any ideas ?I am going to give them more antibiotics tonight .

-- Patty Gamble (, April 18, 2000


Could be over eaters desiese, How old was the lamb? Medicated lamb pellets should fix your Problem. Grant

-- Grant Eversoll (, April 18, 2000.

No, it could not be over eating disease. Medicated feed will not help,, most medicated feed is for Coccidis( a worm like creature). And you do not want to give too much Antibitoics....that can cause you even more problems if you have no idea what you are trying to treat. Some young lambs get Pneumonia, and white muscle disease is also possible. Could also be as simple as the young lamb was chewing on something and it got stuck in his throat. If you can, you should have a Vet do a PM on the lamb. In the long run will save you alot of money.

Good luck on the rest of your lambing season.

Bergere of Autumn Haus Farm & Fibre breeders of Rare Olde English babydoll Southdown & American Brecknock Hill Welsh cheviot Sheep.

-- Bergere (, April 18, 2000.


I'm really sorry to hear this. My guess is that it isn't white muscle disease as generally the lambs are week and unable to walk. At least that is what I have been told. I know an excellent vet you should call. She works for ATTRA (Alternative Technology Transfer for Rural Areas). This organization helps small farmers and promotes sustainable agriculture. The woman to talk to is Anne Wells. She is a sheep expert and besides being a vet raised them herself for years. I've never heard of anything quite like this. Call Anne, she is the best advice I can give 1-800-346-9140.


-- kim (, April 18, 2000.

I stand corected. My county ageny is a dumb ass he told me that is how they act from over eaters and that medicated feed would help...Why do I listen to him. I am glad you guys where here to set things straight Grant

-- Grant Eversoll (, April 18, 2000.

White muscle disease can cause death from heart muscle problems also, it isn't always manifested by weak rear ends! It is all major muscles, in which the heart is a muscle. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, April 19, 2000.

Could be toxioplasmosis, which is a parasite carried by cats. It kills lambs and kids in a hurry from what I have heard. Overeating disease, also called entertoxemia,can kill off kids and lambs in a hurry,there is a vaccine for it if that is the problem, but the medicated pellets are for coccidiosis which is sometimes confused with entertoxemia because they get diarrhea with both. If you are losing a lot of lambs,it might be worth while to take a freshly dead one to the vet for an autopsy ,or culture to try to figure out the cause.

-- Rebekah (, April 19, 2000.

Patty, Did you check for tetnis (sp) We had one this year that got missed on his belly button dip and before the shots were given. We usually do that at three or four days but had such a rush! It was the first time I had seen it but that's what the vet said. I had just assumed they were protected by mom's for a week or so and didn't worry as they were coming so fast and furious. It was one on twins and we had 3 sets that day and somehow he just got missed. I just looked, we dip right away and shots by third day normally and band tails and ear tags. I was surprised that it seemed to hit so fast.

-- Susie*Ks (, April 29, 2000.

The remaining 2 are doing fine , they are gaining weight fast.Thanks

-- Patty Gamble (, April 29, 2000.

Patty, I watched a pig die of pneumonia about a month ago, and this was what I saw: a healthy, vigorous piglet on it's feet (5 seconds)

A piglet lying on it's side, kicking it's feet wildly (5 seconds)

A piglet spasming and taking long, gasping breaths (5 seconds)

A shudder and a dead piglet. That's it, on it's feet to down and out in about 20 seconds. Quite possibly, there was no helping or predicting this lamb's problem. I'm sorry for your loss, and glad to hear the others are well. Please tell your daughter that I am sorry, too. It must have freaked her out. (hard to learn farming lessons that early)

-- Rachel (, April 30, 2000.

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