I need big help

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

OK to begin with, I've never raised a monster with a nature of bad and i need help with that. Second i just recived a plated arrow(arrow head/durhan) and i was wondering if this monster is any good. I've raised several priarocks(arrow heads rock!!!!) and i was good at them but this monster is bad soooo. THX for any help.

-- CJ Rock (cj_rock_200@yahoo.com), April 17, 2000


If you don't want to deal with it being bad, you can use sour jellies to change it to good.

-- Farran (JGoal23@aol.com), April 17, 2000.

Well if you're not used to bad monsters just train them for a while and send them on their errantries to get any bad natured tecs they may have and then turn their nature to good.

-- candyman (andy_poke@hotmail.com), April 17, 2000.

Well, I've never used the Jelly tactic (I expect I'll need to when I finally get a Joker), but here's how I raise bad attitude monsters (which I get about a 50/50 ratio of).

Feedings: Milk to 5 or 6 months (unless they hate milk, then fish or cup jelly), then fish or cup jelly (depending on what they like more)

Training: As a general rule, if a monster fails its first drill, I don't scold it (everyone makes mistakes...). After that, or if they pass the first one, or if they EVER cheat, I -ALWAYS- scold it. Down side, on some monsters, my attitude towards them slips to strict (or even the rare harsh) every once in awhile. Usually though they start behaving themselves before too long... and when they cheat or fail later, stay on them (it keeps you from going soft).

Favors/Treats: They don't get these from me that much when they ask. However, a well-placed mango or treat if the monster's been doing well as of late doesn't hurt matters, and actually helps lighten you up (because you WILL be seeing them break the rules). It will need to absolutely suck down Mint Leaves too, or at least my "Bad" or "Worst" Monsters have, cuz their stress runs higher (again, this is just me... dunno if it's everyone else).

One of the big secrets for me, oddly enough, is get them into a battle AS SOON AS they're capable of winning. Since it often takes monsters a while to do more than one or two "Greats" on drills, but they fail/cheat way more frequently, it's important to give the monster the idea that good work DOES result in its rewards. The big thing, though, is to not let them get away with anything. They'll have a lower loyalty early on, but once they get a couple of praises, that will be a non-factor. Then just keep plugging away. Once a monster's up to neutral, you've got it way easier, and continued following of the "Good Work = Praise, Bad Work = Scold" tactic keeps the demeanor rising, the loyalty at acceptable levels, and the monster generally more cooperative.

This isn't a Bible for monster natures, mind you, but it's how I do my thang, and every single monster I've had has ended their lives with no worse a demeanor than "Good." I've pulled God-only-knows how many monsters from "Bad" to "Good" or more commonly "Best" with this, and I even got my Monol-Naga from "Worst" to "Best" with this tactic.

Of course, like I said, I've never tried a jelly, and here I am in year 1062! : )


-- PezCat (prismblade@usa.net), April 17, 2000.

I said it before in an essay, but you probably weren't around then (no shame in that). Anyway, in MY opinion, the key to raising bad monsters is to realize that they think differently than good ones. Good ones strive for emotional rewards; they THRIVE on your praise, and shrink from your scoldings. Bad monsters strive for material awards: they could care less about what you want, unless you give them a very clear way in which your wants and their wants intersect. Namely: Items. Once a bad monster is up to about 50 Loyalty (just use Magic Bananas to get them up there, it's way easier than doing it the natural way), treat them normally as far as deserving praise. When they cheat, don't scold them (because they don't really care about your opinion, and their loyalty towards you will go down if you do scold them). Instead, give them a Smoked Snake, because you've probably dipped from Even to Soft. The monster will understand the foul taste in its mouth better than anything coming out of your mouth, and it'll know not to do it again. If the monster asks for a treat BEFORE a drill, give it to them, because they'll know that you're striking a deal with them. If they fail/cheat then, SCOLD AND PUNISH THE HELL OUT OF THEM. They'll never do it again, and therefore, giving them treats before drills ensures success and gives them a very high rate of earning a "Great," because you're talking their language now. However, DON'T give them treats after battles/drills (unless they did Great), because then they'll think you're a sucker, and their loyalty will go down along with your raising style. Hope that helps!

-- Nate Railsback (ChimeraMan101@aol.com), April 17, 2000.

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