your first kiss : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

I don't know if this has been asked before, but I didn't see it, so here goes:

What was your first kiss like? How old were you? Did you like the person?

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000


what a coincidence. just last week i did a journal entry on my first kiss. i could rewrite it, but i am entirely too lazy. it was a childhood thing, early elementary school age, i liked him before he kissed me (i mean for a boy he wasn't THAT bad) . afterwards it was weird and icky. I wrote about it in my April 8, 2000 entry if you are interested.
is the first kiss EVER what we really expect it to be though?

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

my first kiss was horrible!
first, it was with a total creep.
and second, he tried to french kiss me, and the minute his tongue hit my teeth i collapsed on the floor in laughter.
all sorts of rumours flew because of that particular blow to his ego. i swear it was an accident though, i just sort of felt his tongue, and laughed. i didn't mean to hurt his feelings...

my journalness!

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

Ug. I wish I could forget it, but you know what they say...

I was 12, and went to the local public pool every day of the summer. That year there were two new guys coming to the pool, brothers with jet black hair and white flashy smiles, and they were total hotties. Rumor had it they had just moved up from Ft. Lauderdale, and they had the tans to prove it. It was obvious one was much older, and the other looked to be about my age.

Someone in our little group thought it would be funny to tell the guy our age that I had a crush on him. Well, the joke was on them, because the guy ended up putting his towel next to mine, and we ended up being 'boyfriend and girlfriend' almost immediately. I was so proud, but it was also quite terrifying to have the mysterious and hot new guy as your very first boyfriend, let me tell you. But I played it cool, you know.

At the end of that week, we were saying our goodbyes as the pool closed, and he grabbed my hand. I froze where I stood, terrified that he was about to kiss me. Sure enough, he started coming at my face in slow motion. I thought for sure he could hear my heart racing. I steeled myself for impact and prayed he wouldn't be able to tell that I had never been kissed before.

Remember, this is in broad daylight, amidst many people, including families, and my best friend was standing within about 3 feet of us when this took place. He grabbed me with both arms, covered what felt like my whole face with his very wet mouth, and proceeded to cram his entire tongue down my throat. I remember opening my eyes, probably from the shock, and I saw his eyes were closed, and that my friend Tracy was about to laugh. I realized that my hands were at my sides, balled up into very tight fists. It lasted forever, and it was a nightmare. I mean, I hadn't even wanted to share my coke with this guy earlier, so his little tongue invasion absolutely horrified me.

I tried to act like it was nothing, and when he left I wiped off my face while Tracy nearly fell over laughing. She said I looked like I had swallowed a bug. I wished I had, because I was sure swallowing bugs had to be more fun than kissing boys. I was not eager to kiss again. Luckily I found out via Boyfriend #2 that kissing didn't have to be a nauseating experience.

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

I was 15 and my first kiss was with HIM - the guy I could not resist that I mentioned in the "Losing It" forum. He kissed the hell out of me, y'all.

Where have you gone Jimmy Z., Jimmy Z.?

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

OK, I'll go first for the guys.

Technically, my first kiss was with a girl named Laurie. I was seven.

My first real kiss didn't come until 9th grade, though. My seventh and eighth grade years were pretty traumatic. I had amblyopia and scoliosis as a child, and my teeth were crooked. So I had big, thick glasses, braces, and was in a Milwaukee back brace for two-and-a-half agonizing years. And my hair was cut in the same style it had been since birth. Needless to say, my freakish appearance meant my social life was nil.

Between grades 8 and 9, though, the braces on the teeth and the back came off and I went to a new opthalmologist who asked me "Why on earth are you wearing glasses? You've got 20/21 vision."

The radical changes in my appearance led to a rebellious period of long hair and unfortunate choices in clothing, but it did get me a date to the school dance. So to finally answer the question, my first was a goodnight kiss after the dance. I was 15. Her name was Karen. The relationship (if you can call a kiss between 15-year-olds a "relationship") went South after that, but it certainly was enjoyable, so naturally I became a fairly "kiss-happy" teenager after that. (What am I saying? I'm still a "kiss-happy" adult.)

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

His name was Brian and he was from Wisconsin. He was a cousin of one of one of my friends from school, spending a few weeks of the summer with her family. He was blond, tall, very charming and cute--but not all that bright. I was 12, he was 13.

We spent 2 weeks together going to see The Goonies, hanging out in the park--mainly holding hands. One night as we were watching tv, he leaned down and kissed me. It was pretty nice. Then he went to stick his tongue in my mouth. I laughed a little and pushed him away. He went to kiss me again and then put his hand up the back of my shirt to try to take off my bra. That was too much. I told him to cool it or else. I guess he figured he'd be happy with kissing and we ended up spending most of the night doing that until his Aunt who was extremely displeased that her nephew was having a little summer romance, yelled down to us that I needed to go home. I think I saw him one more time after that.

A few years later I saw him with that family in church. He was at least 6'5", quite built, and even more gorgeous. I was pleased to have had my first kiss with him.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

true story...

i was in kindergarten and all of the girls in my class were in complete and total LOVE with eddie, the cutest boy in the five and under set. so, one day ... all of the gals chased him down on the playground, pushed him to the concrete and we all kissed him. totally innocent, but it probably sounds a little kinky for five-year-olds. my mom tells me the teachers thought it was hilarious. the story was around the neighborhood in a matter of hours...

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

my first boyfriend... i was almost 18, and we kissed in my car in front of his house. he had/has a really huge head, and my entire face (it felt) got all wet and slimy. it was pretty funny. eventually, we learned to kiss "correctly" (which means i didn't need to wipe my face off afterwards.

another topic...perhaps... the same guy... i leaned up against him and felt SOMETHING HARD near his middle area, and when i realize it was an erection, i died laughing. hurt his manhood. i learned not to laugh. haha

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

Irene, I had the same reaction when a high school boy asked me to have sex with him. Just started laughing hysterically. We weren't even really dating, just kind of making out I was going to give it up to him. He didn't take too kindly to my giggle fit, though.

Megan, I never knew you had it in you.

As for the first kiss, I had just turned 16 and hated my mother saying "sweet 16 and never been kissed." (Like she had any evidence either way...) But I was over at my best friend's house -- the best friend since 2nd grade I was warning you people not to date in the other forum -- and we were in his hot tub after school. Nothing unusual, we were pals. Then he just reached over, grabbed behind my knees and pulled me into his lap. It came out of nowhere, but it was a fabulous kiss. I remember thinking to myself "I don't know what I'm doing, but it feels pretty good."

Well, the tenderness lasted about 30 seconds, then he got grabby with the bikini top -- and I stormed off and thus ensued many years of me being a giant freakshow about the boy.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

I was in 7th grade and had gone to the beach with my aunt and my cousin. While I was swimming around in my new bikini (the first one I'd ever owned, not that I really filled it out at age 12), a boy who was swimming near me started striking up a conversation. We talked for a while and he seemed nice, and somehow he decided that we should look for sand dollars in the shallow water. So, we felt around with our feet, and whenever I thought I'd found one, he pulled off something incredibly slick: he told me to stand right on the spot, and he'd pick the sand dollar up from under my foot. In the process, he got to touch a lot of leg.

Anyway, after a while I was getting thirsty and hot, and told him I was going to go get something to drink from our cooler. Before I could wade up to the shore, he asked me, "Can I give you a kiss under the water?" (Underwater because my aunt might have seen us, ooh, scandal!) I said yes, and we both ducked our heads under. Obviously it wasn't the most romantic setting, since we couldn't see in the salt water, and only had a few seconds before we had to breathe. But he stuck his tongue into my mouth and I was like, "Whoa, what's he doing?" Ah, the naive days of my youth.

Then I went up to our beack blanket and got my drink, and as I was enjoying a fruit punch, he came by with some of our sand dollars. This was another of his clever ploys: as he dropped them off next to my towel, he said, "Meet me at the bathrooms." I didn't know what he wanted to *do* at the bathrooms, and so I politely declined. I never saw him again after that day... sigh.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

well, my first kiss was when i was 13. i had hit a growth spurt before every other boy in my class and i was taller than my "boyfriend" (we dated for 3 whole weeks...) and the first (and only) time he kissed me, he had to stand on a stair to reach my mouth. then his friend yelled out "yeah, steven!". he was leaning over the railing staring at us. how embarrassing... my first "real" kiss came when i was 15. he was 18 and utterly gorgeous. i had already been on a couple of dates with him, and i think he knew i was nervous, because he had never tried to give me more than a little peck before. however, this night, he gave me a peck, and as i started to get out of the car, he pulled me back gently and said, "hey, come here for a second." *side note: my 13 year old brother had had a party that evening, supervised by my mom. my mom is also a big joker* i had just leaned towards him and was lowering my eyelids when i saw my mom running up to the car. the kiss itself was wonderful while it lasted, but i pulled away when i saw my mom bombing up to the car. then she knocked on the window adn when he rolled it down, she said, "what the hell do you think you are doing kissing my daughter???" he was stumbling out an answer and i was trying not to a.)laugh and b.)die of mortification. my mom was like, "oh, i was just kidding, i just had to tell you this story of what happened at greg's party..." oh, god... now that i look back, those are two great stories, but they weren't exactly the romantic first kisses that i would have liked to have. i like them though...

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

I beat the "sweet sixteen" rhyme by about a month, although it didn't occur to me at the time. I was 15, I'd liked this guy in my religious school class for months. Apparently he had the same idea, but we were both on the shy side and neither of us had the courage to say anything. We were good friends, though, and we were both in the same youth group program so we used to go on these weekend retreats together. On the last evening of the last weekend of the year, a big group of us were hanging out inside the dining hall just chatting, and he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. I agreed, and we wound up sitting outside on a porch swing and talking for ages - probably 2 hours or so. After an hour or so our friends started trickling out of the dining hall headed for bed - walking right past us and giving us knowing looks, of course. I was tempted to suggest we call it a night too, but he seemed eager to keep chatting so I didn't. It took about 45 minutes after everyone else had disappeared for him to finally clear his throat and say "Umm, Sarah? I've been trying for two hours to get up the nerve to ask if I can kiss you."

The kiss itself was nice but unspectacular, but I remember thinking it was sweet that he asked my permission - and that it made him so nervous. And it did somewhat catapult us into the social spotlight for a bit!

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

It was the summer between 6th and 7th grade. I was 12 and so was he. His name was Devin Green. We went to middle school together but didn't hang out with the same people. My friend Katie and I spent the summer riding all over out small town on our bikes. One day she asked me if I wanted to go to Devin's house, guess she knew him. When we got there he was playing football in the yard with some neighborhood guys. Katie and I just sat and watched them and talked with them a little. I thought it was so cool that Devin got to stay home alone and watch his little brother during the summer so his mom could work. As we were leaving he whispers to me "Come back tomorrow without Katie." I was thrilled even though I had no idea what he had in mind. When I got there the next day we went and sat in his garage because he couldn't have people in the house. We sat next to each other on the floor holding hands. Finally after about 15 minutes of silence I said "Are you going to kiss me or what?" Boy I was a bold one. He just mumbled "Yeah" and we started kissing. We must have kissed for 2 hours. I went home with swollen lips, a light purple bruise on my bottom lip and a goofy smile. The rest of the summer I spent every spare moment in Devin's garage. We didn't talk much, just kissed and kissed and kissed some more. Bad thing is that when school started he totally ignored me from then on. When I look back on it, that summer was so sweet and he was such a great kisser.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

i was seventeen; for a few months, i'd been dating a boy that i met over the internet. we finally made plans to meet and we were counting down the days; about a month beforehand i told him "you're going to have to kiss me first, you know. i'll be too scared."

we finally met up. he walked into my aunt's house and gathered me into a huge hug, made introductions, and led me outside. we hugged once more and then he leaned in to kiss me. our lips touched gently and he held me close.

i still count it as one of those perfect moments.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

I was 15, almost 16. I was at my best friend's house (right next door to my house) and we were sitting outside (it was in September, so it was still nice out). A guy I'd liked for a while stopped by to see what we were up to, so the 3 of us were just laying on the grass, chatting, and enjoying the nice weather.

So somehow, we got onto the topic of kissing. My best bud hadn't kissed anyone before either, and she wasn't planning on doing it anytime soon. The guy was "well experienced", and also a year older than us. He was trying to get one of us to kiss him. Since I had a lil' crush on him, I figured.. why the hell not? So we walked over to the other side of my friend's house (opposite my house), so my parents wouldn't see us if they walked outside. So, he leaned in and went for it. My friend was all giggly and blushing... while I was trying to be all serious, and romantic-like. She kept making me laugh. He laughed about it too, so it was ok. ;) It was actually a pretty good kiss. And this is a bit nasty, but afterwards he implyed that I had given him a... well.. a reaction, if you catch my drift. So I must have been pretty good at it. lol

Now that I look back on it, I realize he's a horny scumbag, but it was fun at the time. lol


-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

I remember every detail of my first kiss. November 11, 1994. I was in the 8th grade. My friend Marie was having a birthday party at the Frazee Center - where everyone in junior high who was anyone threw parties - well, their parents paid out like $200 for 2 hours so their kids could listen to a crappy DJ and suck face to "I'll Make Love to You." Anyway...

His name - Jeremy Findley. Absolutely adorable. Reddish-blonde hair, blue eyes, terrific smile. I wrote about the whole event the next day in my diary...

We went to Marie's party, and he didn't show up until 8:00. (The party started at 7:00.) When he did show up, I didn't think he weas even going to sit near me. But then in about 15 minutes, Ryan mentioned something to him and then..... well! He smelled so good (then I wrote in the margin "like that" with an arrow and sprayed my dad's Drakkar Noir on the page, smudging the ink) and he was a really good dancer and he was dressed really nicely and he is soooo cute and he was a really good kisser... YES, THAT'S RIGHT! We were just dancing and Angel & Corey were kissing and I guess that gave Jeremy a pretty good idea so he kissed me! Twice! Not just any kiss either! A french one! (YES!) I really like him a lot! But now he says "I don't know." Sigh.

The trials of eighth-grade love.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

When I was 12, I went on my first real date with this kid Jason. I didn't really like him but my mom knew his mom and she made me go. So his mom drove us to see Mr. Destiny. At the end of the date, he walked me to my front door and tried to kiss me. I ducked away and I think he just got some hair and a big taste of Rave Ultimate Hold.

Last I heard, he was living with his boyfriend in Greenwich Village.

So that was my first kiss that never was.

My first kiss that WAS came when I was 16. I lied to my mom and told her I was staying at my friend's house, and we went to a party. (but then my mom went to the store and ran into my friend's mom...

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

When I was 12, I went on my first real date with this kid Jason. I didn't really like him but my mom knew his mom and she made me go. So his mom drove us to see Mr. Destiny. At the end of the date, he walked me to my front door and tried to kiss me. I ducked away and I think he just got some hair and a big taste of Rave Ultimate Hold.

Last I heard, he was living with his boyfriend in Greenwich Village.

So that was my first kiss that never was.

My first kiss that WAS came when I was 16. I lied to my mom and told her I was staying at my friend's house, and we went to a party. (but then my mom went to the store and ran into my friend's mom... WHAT ARE THE FREAKING ODDS!?!) So there was this boy Jeff at the party... skinny, vague, charming Jeff... he kissed all sour and slimy... I thought it was so overrated!

Before my first kiss, I was just dying to BE kissed. Then, after Jeff, I decided the anticipation was better than the delivery. Then in college, it was the contest, the racking up of numbers and being so casual about it. Now, it's about thinking that the guy I kiss now might be the one I kiss for the rest of my life.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000


-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

I wrote my answer all out and then realized I couldn't post it. My sister reads this and she'd be scandalized. Let's just say it was lovely. :)

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

I think my first kiss says something important about my personality.

I was in first grade day care, competing for the attention of this girl named Lisa. (Yes, I still remember her name.) I'm sure she's living in a trailer park now with 3 illegitimate kids and a crate of Marlboro Lights, but I digress.

Lisa told me and Billy to run into the courtyard and get her a flower. The first one to get back with it got a kiss.

I got back first, which was strange because Billy could run a lot faster than me. I didn't see him the rest of the day, I think he freaked out.

So I got back with the flower and learned an important lesson about life. The race doesn't go to the swift -- it goes to the guy who doesn't freak out.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

Man oh man, my first kiss was awful. I was 15, and had been dating my first boyfriend for a little while. We were both in band and were walking to our mom's cars (oh yeah, the joy of being 15) after a pep game when we stopped in a hallway and he kissed me. I remember it was wet and gross, and he shoved his tongue in my mouth, but I figured that was what kissing was supposed to be like, so I went with it. It was pretty nasty though. He turned out to be a real psycho stalker... I shudder to think about it now. :P

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

Oh, God. I don't remember my first kiss. Isn't that sad??????

My good friend and I once made a list of all the boys we had kissed. We were seniors in high school and my list at that time was at 70 something (and those aren't little pecks, my friends). I didn't have sex until I was twenty two, but I was a kissing whore. I love to kiss. Love, Love, Love it.

But I can't for the life of me remember my first kiss. Oh I remember the boy (just not his name) who I made out with in the bathroom of the house boat in Lake Havasu. I remember the first time I kissed my first serious boyfriend. I remember the first time I kissed my husband. But my first first kiss is a blur.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

First kiss: Thanksgiving. Boy comes to my house. I've been "going with" him for a couple of weeks. I no longer want to "go with" him, but my mother has told me that it would be rude to break up with him before CHRISTMAS. I'm eleven.

Boy comes over and sits in my garage and tells me that a friend bet him five dollars that he wouldn't kiss me today. I told him that it's a shame he's going to lose five dollars. He ran up, kissed me on the face and ran off. I went into the house bawling hysterically. My mother runs up and shouts, "What's wrong?" "HE KISSED ME! HE RUINED MY FIRST KISS! ON A BET!"

My mother tried to hug me harder than she was laughing.

She loves that story.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

i kissed a lot of boys when i was little.. like 5 and 6 years old. i had a lot of guy friends and whenever i was saying goodbye i would kiss them all. i remember one of them got me to come over his house one day, where he pinned me on his bed and wouldn't let me go until i kissed him. so i did, and he still wouldn't let me go. instead it whipped out his little wee wee and told me to kiss it. that's when i burrowed my face into the pillow and tried to kick him. he let me go.

since i really hate telling that story, which would probably explain a lot for how i am now, i usually tell everyone it was in eighth grade with a kid in my rec soccer team. our coach was giving us both a ride home, but he stopped at the park to go running. we had twenty minutes to spend alone in his backseat. so the kid kissed me, and as sad as it is, that was still the best kiss i've ever had. after that we would meet up in the woods to make out, and no one really knew since he was in high school and i was still in middle school.

the funny thing is that a few months ago i was at a slumber party with a few other girls and we were talking about our first kisses. it turns out that that kid was my friend's first kiss too!!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Oddly enough, my story is similar to Megan's, but the other way around. When I was in the first grade, this boy (Nathan?), who I seem to remember as being pretty cute, chased me around the playground one day trying to kiss me. I had an army of friends (about 10 first grade girls) trying to protect me from him, but finally he broke through and kissed me as I screamed bloody murder. Haven't been that hotly pursued since. Apparently I was quite the little heartbreaker back then. What the hell happened?

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Oy... so many firsts around here lately.

My first kiss... I was almost thirteen, and on a church 'campaign' down in Missouri (I'm from Michigan). A campaign means that a bunch of kids go door to door to invite people to whatever meeting the local church is holding. It's a scary thing.

Anyway, that meant that we went to the revival meetings every night. There was a group of teenage boys from the area who'd formed a gospel quartet, and perhaps predictably, every girl from our group was goofy over them.

Of course, they were all 16-18, so what chance did I have, right? Heh. I spent a good part of the week always seeming to end up sitting next to Tim, the 'lead' of the group. Oblivious me. Finally Wednesday night (June 26th, 1985! :)), we ended up sharing a song book during the meeting, and then ended up holding hands beneath the song book. I was giddy. I had no idea what it all meant.

We talked afterwards, and he flipped a little to find out that I was still twelve. He walked me around to his friends and boggled, "Mark! This is /twelve/!" To which Mark responded blankly, "Twelve what?" I looked probably about sixteen or so.

There was a teen get together afterwards, and I got permission to ride with Tim and his friends. We held hands the whole way there, and through the entire party. My friends were astonished, the chaperones were nervous (an 18 year old hitting on a 12 year old!), and I was delirious.

The party broke up, and it was time for everyone to go home. Somehow we managed to sneak out to say goodbye at his car. It was... perfect. Warm summer night, the moon was nearly full... I think he might have said 'I love you' with full adolescent fervor, and then we kissed. Again, perfect.

Followed by the chaperones yelling at me to come back and get ready to leave. :)

We dated long distance for a couple months, exchanging letters and phone calls (this was before email!), then we drifted. We ended up at the same college at the same time (there's a long story right there), and he ended up being a major sociopath. Ah well.

The kiss was nice. :)

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Missy Walton was her name, I think. I had to think about it a lot, which is sad because you're supposed to always remember your first.

I was fourteen, I think, which felt extraordinarily old to never have kissed anyone. I'm glad to see in this forum that I am not alone. (I also felt really odd losing my virginity at almost age 21, but this forum again made me feel not so bad.)

I was at a campground in Maine. Not one of those summer camp things but one of those campgrounds you go with your family. Needless to say I was mortified at the thought of being with my parents, or even having parents. I was fourteen. So I would just go hang out with whatever other kids my age were around at the pool, playground, and arcade area. IT was wierd because I would be there all summer but have to make a new set of friends every couple days, since most folks only went for a week at a time.

So there was this girl, she was kinda gross and I didn't much like her, but I was a horny fourteen year old boy and she wanted to make out with me. I think she wanted to do more but I think I was too scared. I don't quite remember. We were in the hot tubs.. which we weren't supposed to be cuz you're supposed to be 18, and we were talking and she just grabbed me and started making out with me. I think I remember tasting booze on her breath but that might not have been the FIRST time.

I also remember getting aroused at the kiss and being laughed at when getting out of the hot tub as my arousal was.. uhhh.. apparent.

Oh well.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

In a manner of speaking, I've had 3 first kisses. The first time I kissed a girl, I was 13. It was in my basement. We were just becoming really close friends and were spending almost all our time together. For some reason we were getting really touchy-feely with each other, hugs, arms around each other, just friendly like that. We were on the computer, talking to someone, and somehow, I don't think either of us saw it coming at all, ended up kissing. She slept over at my house most nights that summer, and as frequently as possible after that, and we ended up a couple for about 10 months.

The first time I kissed a boy was at a Christmas formal. I had a date, but didn't really find her very interesting. I was taking her more as a friendly gesture, but she was really attracted to me. Somehow, I ended up hooking up with a boy who was somewhat in our group of friends. We danced most of the night, and ended up kissing, during the last song. My "date" was really upset because she'd had a crush on him, before me and it didn't seem fair at all. I really felt cruel. That relationship didn't last. He just wanted someone to kiss for a week or so, the week I was home. I was not impressed.

My first real, beautiful, sparks flying angel choir kiss was with my current boy, James. He was one of my best friends at that point (still is, of course!) I was home from school for the weekend for my dad's birthday, and my parents offered to let him come home for a break. He stayed in my basement room, the same room as my first kiss. After a good meal, a little to drink carefully concealed in the food (evil parents), everyone had retired to the living room to chat. After a couple of hours, I'd grown bored of the same stories and went to get a sweater. He thought I'd gone to bed, and headed downstairs. I found him all tucked in reading, and perched on the armrest of the couch. We ended up talking for hours about everything. Childrens books, memories, people at school, everything there is to talk about. We tickled each other and play-fought like we always do, on the bed. It had to lead to something. I ended up on top of him, he had his arms around me and suddenly, he kissed me. It was wonderful. We started "dating" a week later and are pretty much inseparable. Isn't that sweet? :P

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I remember my first kiss with the same stomach-dropping fright with which I experienced it. I don't think I'd ever been so nervous about anything. I was 14, and my girlfriend had just turned 18 (a Freshman guy dating a Senior girl was a hoot, I'll tell you that right now). We were outside in the school parking lot during the second half of a varsity basketball game. We must have sat in silence for ten straight minutes just looking into each other's faces with that look that says, "I know you want to kiss me, I just can't get up the nerve to lean over that far."

I broke the Kiss Barrier with the same smiling, level-headed exterior I put on during all tense situations. If you weren't inside my stomach at the time, you'd never have known what a rollercoaster the whole thing was. I still get stomach-flopping feelings the first time I kiss someone new, but fortunately it's toned down a bit since then. The first kiss definitely set a precedent.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

My first kiss was in kindergarten when I was Raggedy Ann and Jeff Shaw...the hottest boy in kindergarten...was Raggedy Andy in the Christmas play. We got to hold hands during our song. All the other girls were green with envy, baby. We were backstage and he laid one on me. I think I just looked at him weird.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

damn, I wanted to tell you about my first kiss kiss.

I was 12...he was 14. He was my friend's older brother. We were swimming at her house and kept acting weird all day. We were sitting outside that night with some of our friends and he called me over by the pool and grabbed my hand and just kissed me. Sweet!

He turned me into a kissing whore, too.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

His name was Alex and he had been one of my two best friends. When our other best friend Kristi (who he was dating at the time), dumped us both for a cooler, Cure-loving crowd, we ended up spending a lot more time alone, together. One day after school, he just had this new look in his eye and then it happened. He had braces and, apparently, a burrito for lunch.

I've really missed Squishy and the Forum...I'm on a cross-country road trip and am currently in New Orleans. Staying inside until dusk to beat the heat.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

My first kiss was with my husband... when we were 17 and had just started to date. We were both very shy about kissing at first... he had this mad crush on me for almost 3 years before we started dating, but I insisted that we were "just friends." So I finally came around and realized that I was falling in love with him, at just about the point that he was leaving for Germany for a school trip. So the day before he left for Germany (which was the last time I saw him until he returned 10 days later), we were sitting in his car saying our goodbyes. We both knew we wanted to kiss, but it didn't seem like anything was going to happen. We were both so chicken and didn't want to make the first move. Then, out of the blue, we just looked in each other's eyes and at the exact same moment, both of us just started leaning towards the other and then it happened--the most sweet, innocent, magical first kiss I could have ever had. It wasn't awkward or anything... it was wonderful and felt so natural and like we were meant to be. It was his first kiss too, and now we're happily married and it just keeps getting better. A

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

My first kiss was really late in life.

I was 19, and Steve (who is also nine years my senior) came down to see me after we'd been writing email, sending letters and talking on the phone for four months. We had admitted that we'd fallen in love with each other, but I felt like I needed to meet him before I'd allow myself to really, really fall for him. I was feeling a bit pessimistic about the whole affair, but finally, I went over to his hotel room after he arrived in town. We made small talk at the end of the hotel bed, chatted nervously, until he said, "May I kiss you?" I blushed furiously and replied, "Don't let ME stop you!" Soon his lips were on mine, and we merged together somewhat awkwardly for a moment until it felt just right. He was so funny, so forceful. I thought I was going to fall off the bed but instead I found myself laying back on the bed, kissing more and more and more. It got better as the night wore on; we were each others' entire kissing education since he'd never really been kissed either.

Stephanie... psyche

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

Stephanie, you don't know old. I was a month away from *23* when I got my first kiss!

It was great. It was after an evening that we had spent together, seeing a play. We had been spending quite a lot of time together the last few months, but I was so low in self-esteem, I guess, that I still wasn't sure that she liked me romantically! But I knew I was going to have to spend a lot of time the next two weeks hitting the books (finals), so I thought it was now or never. So when we got back to her house, I invented some feeble excuse to invite myself in (Deena lives alone), and we talked for a couple hours. Finally, I told her that I was attracted to her, and she told me she was attracted to me too. And inside I glowed, because it had finally happened--I hadn't ever had a girlfriend before! Well, I had to make sure she *was* my girlfriend now, so I asked her if I could consider her that, and she was all, like, um, yeah, I think so. More nervous chatter. Then I told her I was nervous, because I'd never kissed anyone before, and she looked at me kinda *shocked*, and said something like 'Kissing! Whoever said anything about kissing!' Now, Deena had had a few boyfriends before me, so I don't really know why she was acting so prudishly. I guess she knew that I was really shy, and she didn't want to push me too fast. Anyway, it was getting late, and I wouldn't move from her couch, so she finally asked me to sleep with her that night (on top of the covers, clothes on--get your mind out of there! ;)). I did. We cuddled a lot as the night wore on, and finally she decided to crawl on top of me. Now you can see how much of a prude/nerd I was: I'd always wanted my first kiss to be special and everything, so I actually put my hand over my mouth, because I wasn't sure this would be it! (blush) Well, she just pushed my hand away and laid a few on me. Wow! They were as awesome as I had imagined. Then she suddenly sat up, horrified, because she realized why my hand was there. "Oh Jason, I'm so sorry!" she cried. Well, I responded by sitting up and laying a big one on *her*. All forgiven. :) So we made out for hours that night. (The clothes stayed on.)

That relationship lasted 3 years, until she got tired of the long- distance relationship that it became when I had to move away. I've been single since, and now, at 27, I'm an old, bitter, single man. (he says tongue-in-cheek)

Anyway....My point was that you all don't know how lucky you were to be kissed (and more) so early in life. And I wanted to encourage any folks out there who may not have written here yet, intimidated by the young ages of all the other entries: Keep your hopes up! Your world won't end if you haven't had sex before your high school graduation!

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2000

Hah. My first kiss? I was about seven, and yes, I knew full well what I was doing.

I'd been wtaching soap operas, and one particular activity looked intriguing. What can I say? I had a lively curiousity.

I don't even remember who the boy was. Ah, young lust.

My first real kiss was when I was.. 12, I think. I remember the guy did dip, and I was so grossed out I never kissed him again. [For the whole two weeks we went out, man!]

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2000

"Sweet sixteen and never been kissed?"

Let's see. My first kiss was at my sixteenth birthday party. =) I'd been friends with the guy for ages, and had finally worked up the courage to tell him how much I liked him about a week before...and he told me that I was a very nice girl, but he was "practically engaged" to a girl from Brazil. Besides, he thought I was too young for him. He was a month away from turning eighteen. So, at my party, he was sweet and friendly and very attentive. At two am on the day of my birthday, he was walking out the door to drive home, and I followed him into the kitchen to give him a hug. Next thing I knew, I was being kissed like crazy, with my back pressed into the corner of my stove. Ouch. But it was wonderful--I walked around for days all twitterpated, and we were an item for, um..five months. I still don't know what he did about the girl in Brazil.....

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2000

Ah, Kyle Parker, my babysitter's little brother. He was in my kindergarten class and she would bring him over when she watched me and my sister. One day, I chased him around the house and finally caught him in the living room, where I pinned him against the couch and kissed him. Then I showed him my underwear and ran away. Fortunately, I haven't had to really change my method for pursuing guys since then. Everything I ever needed to know, I learned in kindergarten--very true.

But my first real kiss--Levi--was much less, um, aggressive. It was junior year of high school, about a week before the prom (he was my date). We were sitting in his car after play rehearsal giving each other back rubs, when we decided to play truth or dare. When his turn came, I took a deep breath and said, "I dare you to kiss me." He asked, "Where?" "Anywhere you want." So he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then he dare me to kiss him and so on, until we finally kissed on the lips for about 5 seconds. Then I kind of freaked out and said I had to go. I found out later that it was his first kiss as well. I saw him again yesterday for the first time in a year, and I still got butterflies in my stomach.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

well i was 12 and im still 12 and it was with a girl named erica she is spanish and she is 11 i didint really care how old she was all i new is that i liked her alot more than she thot i did it was on the bus it started with a quick one but thats when i got mad an i freanch kissed her it was sorta nasty but oh well we agreed it was pretty nasty but i liked it anyway she is in my class an she goes on an on about me likeing another girl i dont like this other girl and i hate when she calls me charlate lover oh well i like her and she likes me thats all for now.

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002

well i addmit erica was not my first kiss thare was a girl named jessica i was in kindergardin and i was runing away from her when all of a sudden she caught me an sat me on the bentch an whent for it it was mutch better then the kiss with erica because the one with erica lasted for about 7 secends the one with jessica lasted for about 2min it was a good kiss we both liked it. he he goosbye for now.

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002

my first kiss was with a guy named Devin it was in my backyard we were sitting thare doing nothing just holding hands then i said are you going to kiss me or not then he kissed me and it lasted for about 2 hours or it seemed like 2 hours anyway he was very cute and his name was Devin i think his last name was keen are something like that ok good bye

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002

it wasint the kiss i thot it was going to be it was with this girl named jessica she was 10 i was 10 it was nice it lasted for about 2hours or it felt like it anyway it was cool and she stuck her tounge in my mouth. she was the best kiss i ever had or at least the realist one from Devin keen

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

it was with a girl named ashley barker in the school ard i was 11 she was 13

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

my first kiss was with a guy named alex it got a little out of hand thow because it led to his hand on my **** oh well we freanch kissed for 10 min it was so good

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

yo i saw this punk ass kid kissing my girl before i got a chance to in first 5th grade he was sticking his tounge in her mouth and she rapped her arms around him and licked his lips then i notesed that she saw me and thare was a girl walking by at the time and i liked her i grabed her and started to kiss her she liked it and i stuck my tounge in her mouth and she masaged my tounge with her's it was nice becauce i made my girlfriend jealouse.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

my first kiss was during a break in ballet class. I was the only boy in the class. there were 3 girls and myself near the wateer fountain and sofa. The dance instructor was gone for appx. 30 minutes. One of the girls captured me and held my head in a figure -4 type head scissors. My face was right over her feet. The odor was horrible since all of our tights were sweaty. We were shoeless. I was told that if I did not kiss her feet, the girls would take turns tickling me and kissing my whole face. Since I got scared, I complied. Afterward, They chose to kiss my face and tickle me anyway. The face kissing was something new. I liked the girls. Aside from pinning me down they were usually nice to me. But believe me, nothing is worse than a little boy getting his little feet tickled in white tights. They only intensify the tickling! :)

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

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