kid goat sick : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I recently purchased a kid at an auction with runny nose and cough what is this and how do I help this! don't look for little guy to make it. I'm thinknig a respritory infection. aprreciate any input! thanks!

-- Russell Dean Horner (, April 15, 2000


It could be the symptoms of any number of illnesses. My first thought would be if the kid has just the runny nose and cough it may be stress from moving. My scond guess is pnemonia (sp?). I would try this. give the little fella some Goat Stress, ID-! or Immuno- G... these are all cow colestrum based formulas. You can get these at either Hoeggers (g. stress), or by contacting.. and I'll have to find e-mail addy for person who sells ID-1. If you have access to this give 1 cc 2x's per day for 3 days. You should definately give some antibiotic... either penicallin or LA 200, or Neofleur (sp). I have not personally used neofler but have read and been told to use it to treat pnemonia. The pen. is 2 cc's 2'x's per day for 5 days. LA 200 is 2cc's 1 shot then wait 2 days and give again. Try getting some glucose in the kid for energy. About a teaspoon of molasses or corn syrup. Bring the kid into the house out of the cold and keep warm. You will probably get a variety of anwsers..... but this is what works for us. Everyone has their own treatments that work for them. Good Luck and I hope this helps.

-- Bernice (, April 15, 2000.

We keep Nutri-Drench for goats/sheep on hand always and it is the first thing we try to boost their health while we figure out what is wrong. We would probably give the vet a call on this one. Hopefully he will tell you what YOU can do first, ours does. Good luck!

-- Jean (, April 15, 2000.

If you have other goats/ animals, keep that sick one as far away as possible. And be sure to disinfect the area when you move him. Good luck.

-- Bob Ambrozaitis (, April 20, 2000.

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