MAGMA BIRD>>>>>>>>>>>>Question for you : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread

Doesn't it feel good to have someone post a question for you,anyway how do you do things like that when you post like change the color or make it a lot bigger or skip ahead of other people's responses.I know jackshit about computers and I probably will never know much about them.Also how do you make things bounce back and forht on the screen.If you don't want to post here this is my real E-mail address. Ciao

-- candyman (, April 14, 2000


it looks like you learned Html, well somewhat. Theres alot of other stuff you can do like post a picture... or a marquee and lots of other stuff. Adios

-- Magma Bird (, April 15, 2000.

Oh and also you forgot to close your tags<>. Dont worry I'll close 'em

-- Magma Bird (, April 15, 2000.

candyman, go to html playground, on the lusenet forum list. before i went there, i knew nothing. now i can do THIS

and this

and other things too.

-- torey luvullo (, April 14, 2000.

thanks watch this

I learned how to do it Thanks.

-- candyman (, April 14, 2000.

And this too.

-- candyman (, April 14, 2000.

this should work

-- candyman (, April 14, 2000.

why won't this work

-- candyman (, April 14, 2000.

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